Third eye representation in the tarot


Does anyone know of pictorial representations of the third eye in tarot decks?

I'm sure there are many, but I cannot think of any besides those in the Wooden Tarot and those in the Tarot del Fuego! It seems difficult to search for this specifically on the web, too. :) Thanks!


In the Devil card of my favorite deck, the Thoth Tarot, the central figure Pan Pangenetor has an open third eye.

Incidentally, in the Magician card of the Lowbrow Tarot, the Aleister Crowley figure dons a hat with an open All-Seeing Eye. I don't know if youd count this as a third eye.


Got two for you from my own deck.
Bonefire Tarot.
The 6 of Wands and my favorite card in the deck (the image not the meaningšŸ˜Š) The Nine of Swords.


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The Devil in the Tarot of the Sephiroth is beaming light out of an open third eye, although it's not that easy to make out the details of the eye.

The Justice card figure in the Fey Tarot is a child whose standard issue eyes are all white -- no pupils, no irises -- but who has a third eye sort of painted on above them in the usual mid-forehead area.

I feel like there are more in my collection... I'll post more if I can remember which decks might offer more examples!


The Haindl Devil has a third eye.


How could I miss this? In the Tower card of the Chrysalis Tarot, the goddess Kali has an open third eye.

The Priestess of the Tarot of the Four Elements also has a third eye. "A tiny moon appears upon her third eye."

So does the Devil in the Tarot of the Spirit. "The Devil knows all of this and more. His third eye is wide open."


The Three of Wands in the Mary-El shows the Kundalini snake making it's way up to the third eye.

In the Night Sun Tarot the Hanged Man's head is locked in a birdcage. Behind his back, he holds a key with an eye symbol on it. I see this as a symbol for the third eye, because once opened it will provide the knowledge that will free him.


delete. I actually thought we were talking about something different. sorry.


I think the Cosmic Tarot has a card with the third eye showing - well, the Magician has a yellow triangle of light where his third eye would be, and the High Priestess has a yin/yang symbol over that area. Not sure if that counts!