Timing spreads please — not will-happen but should-do


Thank you Amanda for sharing this method! I'm just starting to read elemental dignities and looking for a timing spread so this was perfect!

What if someone was to ask about something that may have already happened (ie. the person they were to marry and they already knew the person). In that case would it be possible to have a timing card be the first one, or would you get that impression from the story?


Yes, I think. :D

I haven't had many readings like this, but I do recall the Ace of Pentacles coming up first when someone asked when they would get engaged, and it indicated that they were previously engaged about a year prior to getting the reading.


old jobs, new jobs

Hi Amanda,

I have been practising your timing method for a while. Was wondering if you could give some advice in the following scenario.

I have a job, job ends in March with possibility of extension of contract. Extension depends on rebid for the department I'm working in, whether we get the money or not.

So, pragmatically, I'm applying for new jobs.

I have two interviews lined up for next week, competition is tough, but then, we must try.

I did a timing spread, 'when will I hear from future employers that yes, we are offering you the post?'

(Bearing in mind, even if I'm offered a post tomorrow, there will be a 3-4/week lapse before my first day)

I take,

Wands days
Swords weeks
Cups months
Pentacles years


Hermit + Temperance + Ace of Pentacles + Eight of wands + Four of swords

So, this is why I'm stumped.

I am a researcher. So hermit is me, researcher, looking for a job. Temperance trying to balance my current demands with new, or adjusting to differing work cultures. Eight of wands as action, Four of swords as much needed rest?


Would appreciate it,



This thread was brought to my attention by someone so I thought I´d post a reminder to please only discuss Tarot Spreads in this sub forum.
I think that is more or less what you have been doing :p but there are examples of readings in this thread and someone may wonder..

It is okay to experiment on the timing technique of this spread and discuss your experiments but if you want to post a proper Tarot Reading it goes HERE. (Please read the Posting Rules for Your Readings

Here are the Posting Rules for us here in Tarot Spreads

Have fun!
(-And this is an interesting spread btw!)


Thanks Hemera. Happy to follow the rules. I wasnt completely sure where to post that question, since

a)that timing method is specific to amandas and was being talked about here.

b) the 'your readings' section may have not gotten her attention :)

Anyhow, thanks for clarifying

Kind regards,


That's okay.. and the reminder was to everyone so please don't worry :)



Hi Amanda, I am knew here ,I saw your response to timing and this is What I got..I ask when will I here from this guy. I got from left to right, The three of cups, The fool ,The Death card The Ace of swords The King of Sword . "One month" =ace of swords?" The person is a King of Swords personality Type. Also we are in Scorpio now and three of cups is a water sign, So I'm a little lost, ""(This is in regards to a timing spread) .In response how to read it. Thank you:)


Hi Amanda, I am knew here ,I saw your response to timing and this is What I got..I ask when will I here from this guy. I got from left to right, The three of cups, The fool ,The Death card The Ace of swords The King of Sword . "One month" =ace of swords?" The person is a King of Swords personality Type. Also we are in Scorpio now and three of cups is a water sign, So I'm a little lost, ""(This is in regards to a timing spread) .In response how to read it. Thank you:)

Hi aneesa :)

When will you hear from this guy?

3 of Cups + Fool + Death + Ace of Swords + King of Swords

I believe that you have picked out the Ace of Swords as the correct card for timing, and I agree that it's suggesting a month. However, I might also consider the 3 of Cups as suggesting a timeframe as well, within the next 3 weeks/the next celebrated holiday, perhaps. I will also give you a hint that the Ace of Swords energy is more connected to you, and that you might more likely be the one to initiate the contact after those 3 weeks/next holiday has passed by and you've still heard nothing from him. The 3/Fool/King are his energy, while Death/Ace are your energy here in this spread.

That's how I'd read it, I hope it helps. :)



Thank you for answering me Amanda:) I think this spread is neat, And since im new still to this ,I cant wait to practise with the spread, The next Holiday is thanksgiving here in the States...And I think Its about 3 sweeks erie eding this kind of spread ,There is no fixed way or order to do it?


Thank you for answering me Amanda:) I think this spread is neat, And since im new still to this ,I cant wait to practise with the spread, The next Holiday is thanksgiving here in the States...And I think Its about 3 sweeks erie eding this kind of spread ,There is no fixed way or order to do it?

Not exactly, aside from what I have described. Each spread will have its unique qualities. You are basically allowing the cards to lead you; you start with deciphering the timing card and then allow yourself to be led from there. Looking at the pictures and noticing the way figures are facing helps. If cards seem to have pictures moving in the same direction or have a similar symbol in them that connects them, it helps to figure out which card goes with which and which one likely belongs to whichever person that may be involved in the situation. Once you can sort out the flow of energies a bit, the story becomes easier to see and tell.