Titania's Fortune Cards. Weekly, Daily spreads.


I'm new to Tarot and this is the first deck that I've ever had experience with, and so far I have found them pretty helpful and accurate. The funny thing is that in the beginning the readings and messages seemed to be clearer and easier to read then now, so backwards I know, lol.

I keep a journal and on the 14th of this month I did a nine card spread and every spread since has kinda been stumping me, so for that I had
Lily Dog House
Cross Clouds Road
Letter Scythe Coffin

Now as seen above I was quite worried with the last row, in her book she states that Scythe and Coffin together represent death, now I also know that doesn't have to mean a physical death(I certainly hope not) and could just represent the real end of something. A of today, the 26th I haven't been able to fit something about my life into this.

Then I did a seven card spread for the same day, a daily-ish spread as the book states and got this, Tower, Star, Garden, Man, Key, Tree, Lily.
Again not really clear on a meaning here.

So after that I waited a week for something to come about and really nothing.
So on the 24th I did a 9 card week spread and got,
Fish Moon Lily
Sun Cross Owl
Anchor Heart Fox

So far the Lily seems to surface a lot, and this one felt like I was worrying and kinda unsure about things, nothing to report so far.

Then I did the daily 7 spread and got, Scythe, Fox, Fish, Moon, Tree, Lily, Ring.
Again with the Lily, again not really sure of this one and so far nothing to report.

I did one for today, the 26th and got,
Mountain, Key, Woman, Bear, Scythe, Ship, Tower.

Woman with the bear made me think of my Mother, and the theme of this spread seemed to be saying travel but who knows, my intuition is taking a vacation and I'm a little lost without it.

So if anyone of you have thoughts on this, I know this is a long post so I don't blame you for skipping it and going to someone else's, heaven knows I probably would especially after a long day, but any info on what you get from these or even tips would be most appreciated. I try to follow her(Titania's) interpretations from the book with the cards but I also found a guide from here on Leonormand cards, which I know they're based and have been trying to apply those, but I probably shouldn't right? Also is it better to do a 7 card spread for the WEEK, instead of the DAY as she suggests? If you've used this deck I would really like to know how you use it and any tricks.

Okay I'll stop now and thanks in advance for any insight and help.
Blessed be.


Hi! I use Titania too :)

I usually do 3 cards for 1 day, 5 cards for 2-3 days and 7 for 5 days.

I think you doing the 9 card spread is too much. I think that's more geared for the month, or at least a couple of weeks time.

You should try that and see how it works for you ... we have a thread going on with the daily spreads for you to practice on and ask questions .... welcome!


I must echo what Mona has said: the 3 x 3 (9 card) isn’t really something that I would do that frequently, certainly not for a week. If nothing else, it simply tells you something up to a point – it works best with very specific questions in my own opinion.

Normally when we’re struggling to see a fit with these cards (Lenormand in general) one of two things are happening: firstly, we can be overlooking or not being open enough. There are only 36 cards and therefore they have to crossover meanings, say something different and so on. We can start to become a little too fixed for something that is actual versatile trying to put on old meaning on a combination. The other thing is what’s there is there. If you struggle just note the key words: message + cutting + end, it could just have been a cutting/blunt message or some resource (book) is only going to give you so much.

The other thing is Lenormands require cleansing occasionally: if the cards feel heavy (put your open palm over them) or sticky when shuffling you might need to cleanse it.


The other thing is Lenormands require cleansing occasionally: if the cards feel heavy (put your open palm over them) or sticky when shuffling you might need to cleanse it.

This works like a charm :D


Thank you, I will definitely try the 3 cards for a day instead of the usual 7.

I never thought to cleanse them but they do seem off to me, I will be off to slap the negative energy out shortly!

So besides Titania's cards what other decks do you like using? I want to get another deck but am having trouble picking.


Just updating, I cleansed my cards this morning and did a three card draw like you suggested and pulled,Woman, Bear, Scythe, which if you remember was the center of my pull in the 7 card draw that I posted yesterday but had drawn on the 26th.

So needless to say I was quite surprised with getting these three cards, the cards have been shuffled and moved quite a bit, last night my friend was over and she also brought her daughter and we all did readings, and I usually never pull straight from the top, like this morning I pull the top one, reshuffle and cut then pull the top from that then reshuffle and cut and pull the top from that.

So I'm thinking because I pulled the woman first it's in reference to me, so I believe I will be making a big decision that might end something?

By the by the cleansing tip was awesome, who knew a simple act could restore so much balance and positivity to the cards? Well obviously you did, but you know what I mean.


I see you making a very important decision, to cut away from something .... the Bear is protective ...


i remember doing a 3x3 at end of August which turned out to be true in mid-oct

so it sometimes takes longer in real world, like Treppner puts it :D

I used to do daily draws with three cards, then five, but I once tried weekly with 7 cards and it turned out right to the T and this was my fourth week with each card as a theme for the day.

So try and play with them, you will soon find your way home! :)


Jeez that seemed so long ago... lol. Anyways just in case somebody stumbles upon this, maybe searching the whole Coffin+Scythe combo I can report that for me the combo with the letter had meant news of a death.

My friend had someone in their family pass away, and that was on Nov 8th or 9th, so within the 'month' limit.

Just thought I would update.


Hi! I use Titania too :)

I usually do 3 cards for 1 day, 5 cards for 2-3 days and 7 for 5 days.

I think you doing the 9 card spread is too much. I think that's more geared for the month, or at least a couple of weeks time.

You should try that and see how it works for you ... we have a thread going on with the daily spreads for you to practice on and ask questions .... welcome!

I am interested in these cards but of course they are out of print so they are costly!