Today's belly-laugh - creator reviews own deck!


I could not believe it when I saw that the inexplicably glowing review for an otherwise poorly-reviewed deck suddenly changed from being 'Riki Frahmann' to 'Andre St Dryden (Real Name TM)'.

I thought about reporting it to Amazon but then thought better of it, it's just TOO funny - I don't want them deleting the author's glowing self-review!

Ha ha ha, really cheered me up :D

In case it DOES get deleted, here's the review:

"The energy emanating from this simply divine tarot deck is nothing short of miraculous. There is also a very nice poster like Celtic cross spread sheet that I was thinking about putting on the wall in my office. The cards themselves are a breath of fresh air in a sense, if that can be said about the beautiful and faithfully re-produced classical art masterpieces that adorn each of the precocious 78.
I was intrigued to note that the deck had a decidedly Christian flair, but could feel in the energy they produced that it all blended so effortlessly together that my reading experience was filled with a certain reverence that I can only attribute to the well chosen paintings. The accompanying little booklet was very helpful and I found the forward and the author's remarks quite enlightening. I would recommend this majestic deck to those who are looking for a more regal fare when it comes to their divining experience. Thanks Andre, for your glorious inspiration.
Riki Frahmann "


lol Poor Andre. Personally, I thought the idea was great and looked super forward to this deck. But it just doesn't work for me. I don't know the works of most of the art or how they represent the meanings of each card, much of the artwork has a fuzzy look to it, so it doesn't have a clean look to it, and when USGames added the thicker framed borders some heads got chopped off! A pity because I am sure he put his heart into it and I know Jeannette told me a bit about the making of it (plus she intros the LWB and quite nicely, too.) I still have mine in my collection, though I sold off the extra copy I had expected to be using like an insane woman. Maybe someday it will work for me, but overall it looks like it will be completely a collector's item, no more. UNLESS, Andre puts out a book that tells where what each painting is, a brief story about them and the meaning in conjunction to the card. That would be excellent because we are not all familiar with these works of art. And the LWB didn't even say what works they were, at all. Nilch. Nada. :(

Kat~This is what I find so great about your decks. You use famous artwork, manipulate it, but you always keep the traditional RWS meanings, plus add layers and it makes for very readable decks. You go girl! :D


Thanks, cricket! Wasn't fishing for compliments, but they're always appreciated ;)

Promise me this though - if I'm ever reduced to reviewing my own products with a pseudonym, tell me it's time to give up! :p


retrokat said:
Thanks, cricket! Wasn't fishing for compliments, but they're always appreciated ;)

Promise me this though - if I'm ever reduced to reviewing my own products with a pseudonym, tell me it's time to give up! :p

LOL Oh no! Well, if a QueenEI shows up, I will start to worry!!! :D

I do feel for Andre. Everyone who creates a deck puts their heart into it. How it comes out in the end isn't always as we wish or expect or dream it to be. This is why I hope he is reading this (be it under his name or another!!) to put out an accompanying book to redeem his work. Though the heads will still be chopped off by the frames.... :eek:


Just makes me want to put my arm around him....

That is rather touching.



Amazon has an option for the author to comment--or they used to. Now I don't see it on the page.


Wow. I have to say this was one deck I looked forward to and was very disappointed in..... but it must be awful when your cards don't turn out as you want.... mine never meet my expectations :D which is why you will never see a deck by MOI on sale !!!!


Now I feel like a total b*tch for laughing at him!

Ah well, feel free to laugh at me any time I deserve it - which is pretty often :D


No, no kat: he probably needs a laugh. But also perhaps a hug to compensate.

Of course this is entirely projection because he may in fact be very thick skinned and hard hearted and not care ...

Or not.


ps it would be good to see the whole deck though, I like the Fool I think

Edited to say: this person quite likes the deck