Trimming the Thoth


Yes my eldest said it would probably be cheaper buying a laminater and doing it myself..... but I just thought she was being a know-it-all :laugh:

I found out before that Similia will be at the same Tarot gathering on saturday and is going to bring along his corner-cutter tool and his deck to show me how it looks so that'll be great :)

I'm pretty easy pleased and happy to not spend money if it is not neccesary so if all I need to do is round the ends to prolong the life of my deck, so be it :)


Mine's doing fine with sharp corners....


Sharp corners :p })


Hey SW, I've trimmed and rounded a Thoth, because of Similia.

If you can't find a corner rounder in an actual store near you (I couldn't find one anywhere) - try this place Blue Edge Crafts.


Hey wow :D - I have a round Marseille. Now I want a round Thoth. What a WONDERFUL idea.....


Thank you peoples :)

Those cards look good.... hehe, now I'm not sure if I want sharp corners or rounded??

Goddess, I can be a pain in the butt! :D

I look forward to seeing Similia on saturday, and of course his Thoth ;)