Twilight Realm - A Tarot of Faery


Hanged One

I'm suddenly seized by desire for this deck... And most of the cards I've seen online look wonderful, I can even live with the 'least favorites' from a couple of posts back! :D

Except that Hanged One...
(seen in the first scan in this post here:

It makes me shudder every time I see it - it's like I can almost feel the noose around my own neck!
Plus, I have a thing about the Hanged Thingummy preferably being at least some sort of reversed - and certainly NOT hung by the neck (that made me trade the Legend, too).
(and I wasn't bothered by the Hanged Bunny in the Buckland Romani! Funny how that works)

Still, the other cards are so lovely...

I understand that what the book says about the card makes the Hanged One less shocking, but still; what if I were to use the deck to read for someone, and that card would come up?

It's funny, I can deal with very gruesome and bloody 10s of Swords, or Deaths etc, but this Hanged one....

Anyway, since I'm not sure if I want to post in the enable- or in the de-enable thread, I thought I'd post here. ;)

Has anyone had this card come up in a reading they've done (for someone else)?
How did they respond?

Le Fanu

I've used it very little. Just a few shuffles here and there and random draws since I got it. I'm a firm believer in the fact that if a deck has just one card you don't like, you're lucky. Just cross your fingers and shuffle at the same time and hope it doesn't pop up!

I have to say, much as I like the production of this deck and the idea, it isn't quite ethereal enough for a fairy decks. I like my fairy decks to be in the more romantic, Victorian vein, with gossamer wings and flower-petal caps. That Bonnie Tyler Queen of Cups isn't quite right for me. But it is a beautifully put together deck and the artwork on black is very dramatic


Hmmm, it dovetails quite well with my idea of faerie / the twilight realm - but that is probably because I have watched the movie Labyrinth way, waaaaay too often! ;)
(and the big bad 80's hair even fits with that....)

Looking at the pictures again today, though, the urge has passed, for the moment.

Miss Divine

The least favorite cards a few posts up turned me off of this deck. And I thank Le Fanu for posting them!! I don't wanna have another deck ending up unused on the shelf.

autumn star

I'm suddenly seized by desire for this deck... And most of the cards I've seen online look wonderful, I can even live with the 'least favorites' from a couple of posts back! :D

Except that Hanged One...
(seen in the first scan in this post here:

It makes me shudder every time I see it - it's like I can almost feel the noose around my own neck!
Plus, I have a thing about the Hanged Thingummy preferably being at least some sort of reversed - and certainly NOT hung by the neck (that made me trade the Legend, too).
(and I wasn't bothered by the Hanged Bunny in the Buckland Romani! Funny how that works)

Still, the other cards are so lovely...

I understand that what the book says about the card makes the Hanged One less shocking, but still; what if I were to use the deck to read for someone, and that card would come up?

That's how I feel about the Hagned One too - it's my least favorite card and I feel taken a back by the card every time it pops up. I have the deck for about a year and I still don't use it that often even though I do really like it :) It is different from other faerie decks.


I have it and think it's quite striking with the art work on black. My only "thing" with it is that it's rather out-of-the-ordinary in dimensions and with the thick slick card stock, I just can't shuffle it without it actually hurting my fingers. It's not a huge deck, it's just that the different dimensions make it harder for me to get ahold of. No matter what others say about other methods of shuffling, for me---I just have to riffle my cards to be "in the zone". Silly to some, maybe, but for real to me. So that's the drawback but I won't part with them. I really like them too much. Oh----but that Hanged One is a spoiler, I do admit. I don't like that card. It totally ruined the Legend Arthurian for me that there were all those people hanged by the neck. It seems like no matter how much the artist wants to justify why they've done it that way, I just can't seem to get past it. But I really do like the deck enough that I don't want to part with it.

Le Fanu

Funny how I can overlook the choking person, kicking as the noose tightens, and yet it's the 80s hair I just can't overlook.