Two of Wands Rx Interpretations


I feel like I have become very comfortable interpreting reversals for most cards in a standard deck; however, I am a bit irked by this one still. After reading some other threads concerning this card (Two of Wands reversed) I'm still not quite content including its many interpretations into my own personal interp. Thirteens post on this card is wonderful, but on another thread Thirteen interpreted the card to mean the opposite of what was 'officially?' posted on AT. Sorry to call you out Thirteen! I really mean no offense, I'm just trying to explain my confusion! This I think still works for a lot of other more advanced and experienced (like Thirteen ;)) but doesn't sit well with me personally, as I really prefer only the Majors to have this sort of possible opposite meanings, I.e. Empress reversed= neglectful or overbearing. To muddy the waters further, a few members referenced Mary Greer's interpretation as 'Expect the unexpected' or 'a miracle' and one suggested that it might imply 'a Cinderella type of scenario'. For me the Minors can have varying meanings, but to see opposites on a single spectrum where either interpretation could make very good sense is unnerving!

So let's see if I can break this down. Obviously Thirteens posts on this site have been very influential for me recently! You really are fantastic! <3

Upright this would be making a decision between two choices that are virtually equal to paraphrase.

A. An inability to make a decision between those two virtually equal choices. Indecision.
B. The two choices are actually found to be unequal leading to a change of heart/mind. I'm still seeing a decision here though.

I really do feel fine with the other various interpretations as they can be read in that way or not depending on the surrounding cards, position/placement etc. Seeing this card in a spread where both A. and B. fit equally well bothers me though! I haven't gone over the forum rules lately so I hope I'm not breaking any rules by including additional info. This card came up in a three card reading (no positions) where the first two cards implied a duality and the last card was the Two of Wands Rx. The reading was done to address a reaction to a certain situation and the emotional feelings that followed. RWS deck.

Thanks everyone! Looking forward to gaining some much needed insight from you all!


In my mind, it helps to break it down all the way, then work up from scratch and see where your meanings intersect with traditional ones. So let's give that a whirl.

Wands is intuition, i.e., knowledge not from the physical senses, but from that magical inner sense connected to the vast unconscious (things just pop into our minds). Number-wise, 2 is -so- many related things, such as redundancy, duplication, mutuality, balance, choice.

Two of Wands shows someone looking over the horizon -- why? Because that person senses something -could- be on the horizon. The best way to predict the future is to invent it, so the person is considering the possibilities -- chould I make that happen? Should I make that happen?

Energy is expended, and soon Three of Wands senses it -will- happen. Later, rewards are reaped and Four of Wands shows it -has- happened. So we've gone from a mere possibility, to a definite expectation, to a very stable manifestation

So upright, Two of Wands is the idea stage. People say "decision" but it's more like "envisioning" (because of intuition). Reversed, it could be:

(a) something is blocking your vision of the horizon
(b) a possible option becomes unviable
(c) something fails to get out of the idea stage (one gives up)
(d) two steps forward, one step back (a regression)

The pips may be more -mundane- compared to the Majors, but in my mind, they are just as rich and varied. Life would be very dull with nothing but "life lessons" :)


Traditionally this is known as the 'Cinderella' card. Something very out of the norm, unexpected but in a very good way. Even a miracle; but it of course does have its possible downside on the unexpected side. Something bad could happen you haven't even thought of. Usually though, this card is exceptionally good. You could be dominated with nowhere to turn, wishing for something out of reach. (Again, like Cinderella) Expect the unexpected. Of course it depends on surrounding cards, etc.

ana luisa

Having two options when both are not to your liking.
Feeling fenced in.
Leaving home/work. (depends on the reading- the two wands act as the frames of a door)


At some point you must strike out and leave the books behind, sometimes it will be intuition which will give you the meaning to use. There are so many combinations of cards and questions, and many other meanings and people who teach who have different meanings or variations of the meanings. Anyone can publish anything, right or wrong that is up to you to decide which meanings to use, it is only their interpretation of the cards. They are not right or wrong, only their opinions. It all boiles down to the person who is reading, what is that card telling them.

Two of wands reversed for me has for me come up many times as having no control, no choice, like you are caught in a current.


I think it's very interesting that Canid mentions the word "miracle". The reason being in one of my readings I specifically asked for a "miracle" and this card appeared. It was a one card reading and I pulled the two of wands-rx. I think there is something to this meaning of the card. Possibly it is trying to say the situation is terribly sad or negative but be patient because something positive will come from it.


According to Mary Greer in 'The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals', "the 2 of Wands Rx could be called the Cinderella card for it can presage an astonishing change in an otherwise dead-end situation. You could feel restricted by another's dominant personality, be reluctant to travel or leave the house. (Hey, something just came to me! I have agoraphobia. I'll pay attention in the makes sense though, Cinderella is afraid to leave the house. This is an ah-ha moment for me. Never thought about this card that way.) but seeming miracles could transport you beyond current limitations. An unexpected turn of events could either generate awe or overwhelm you."

I absolutely love this book. It's NOT just about reversals, but includes upright meanings also. Well worth it IMO. It's not a LWB, it helps to send you down that path of the energy of each card & interpret it for yourself in a given situation.


I think it's very interesting that Canid mentions the word "miracle". The reason being in one of my readings I specifically asked for a "miracle" and this card appeared. It was a one card reading and I pulled the two of wands-rx. I think there is something to this meaning of the card. Possibly it is trying to say the situation is terribly sad or negative but be patient because something positive will come from it.

Reversals are absolutely not always negative.

Mystic Zyl

Two of wands RX, not trusting someone that is close to you.


Experiencing creative inspiration, but consciously choosing not to manifest it. Disconnect between creative inspiration and expression.