Umbrae asks: "Why do you read Tarot?"


What a profound question! Yet, I wonder if it can properly be answered.

If I generalise the question a little, it may possibly assist me to attempt some kind of answer - so I'll first ask 'why do I do anything?' It seems to me that there are a number of factors which come at play, the three which come to mind are:
  • one's dispositions based on one's individual and developing character traits;
  • immediate motives; and
  • the situation at hand.
Of these, the first certainly presents driving forces for particular kinds of acts of will based on the ever-slowly-changing biography of the individual. Do we tend to respond because of biological, psychological or societal urges and expectations? Are we more likely to respond because of accompanying feelings (such as shame, loyalty, love, revenge &c)? Do we reflect upon similar situations? Or do we try to reach an understanding or insight into the specific situation at hand?

Likewise the second point: are the motives a result of utilitarian or deontological ('shoulds') considerations, or a grasping of the specific situation at hand?

For me, to understand why I may do something (as opposed to just doing it), I would need to look at these considerations - which have, incidentally, high ethical content.

Why do I read Tarot? To be truthful I would need to give a reply for each instance I read - and the replies would vary vastly, and, to be sure, would include: for pleasure, for spiritual work, to assist another, to strive to add to understanding, to assist in the development of the imaginative, inspirational and intuitive faculties, for curiosity, because of my love for Tarot!


Have to side with Umbrae, I just wish I had the same passion. I got into this because I don't accept the rules as they are written, because you can never have too much knowledge, I love to learn and because I 'believe' in the power of intuition. But I can understand why some people balk at reading for other people. They are probably the same people who have difficulty addressing an audience or getting up on stage. It takes guts to go out on a limb in front of someone and it requires performance. Which isn't to say that those of you who do not read for others are scared to, it's just that public performance is not for everybody. But I have to agree with Umbrae, if you have a creator-given talent, it's a pity not to impart it to your fellow human beings and help them, if even a little, to deal with their lives and provide some spiritual enlightenment. One of my closest friends is an extremely successful clairvoyant, gets flown all over the place for readings. But for years, she denied her ability and did not share it. Until, eventually, she realized that her gift was just that, and to not use it to help people was a waste. So I encourage everybody to just give it a try. Being schooled and experienced in performance, I have jumped in early with readings for others, people I know and in the Readings section. And I've got to tell you, it's an amazing rush when you nail a reading. Not so much an ego thing, but a great, quiet feeling of accomplishment coupled with the humbling knowledge that you have drawn upon something greater than yourself in order to come to the aid of a fellow human being in need of answers and direction.


Two questions

Hello folks,

This is a very interesting topic. It seems to me that there are two questions being asked here; 1- why do you personally read tarot, and 2- is there an imperative to read for others if you do read tarot?

For question 1 - my experience with tarot is very limited, but for me, exploring tarot has been part of my spiritual journey. I have seen here at Aeclectic and in other books I've read that tarot can be used for social purposes, creative purposes and intellectual purposes.

I see question 2 as applying especially if one is pursuing tarot for spiritual growth. I am with Umbrae in that I do believe that all spiritual disciplines require service to others in some form or other. Of course, I suppose that there is the occassional "hermit" who can attain enlightenment in solitude. But it is my belief that the main purpose for our being here in the "earth school" is to learn to "love and be loved". Making a commitment to service can teach us love and acceptance of others, (and ourselves), in ways that no other work can. The greatest expression love is selfless service to others.

So, I'll come off the soap box now. :)
Just my humble opinion.



I read Tarot because it's the most reliable form of divination I know. There - I said it.

I want to understand that which leaves it traces on all my senses, refusing to be seen, heard, smelled, touched, or felt straight-on. If I can catch a glimpse by looking at odd little pictures printed on cardboard, so be it. (There has been I time in my life when I seriously studied patterns of moss growing on trees. Can this be more weird? Uh-uhh.)

It's just not possible to keep the findings to myself and become more sensitive to this unnameable thing I'm trying to describe. I have to give it away if I want it to draw closer, so I do readings for other people but I charge them money.

If I do it for free, they discount the wonder they've just experienced and that's not good for them or it. I do readings for free if I'm moved to do so, and never otherwise. Friends pay unless I'm moved. Family pays unless I'm moved.

Tarot's been knocked and I've been ridiculed, but the traces on my senses continues and so, I read.



Here is my two bobs worth

I read my Tarot to give guidence to an situation or problem I may be worried about or I have, that needs a immediate answer. Rather than waiting to see the outcome for it's self.

How we interpret our readinigs and their outcomes relies heavily on how we feel emotionaly at the time again and subconciously. An answer has many meanings and sometime we are all caught off guard when we interpret one way only to see the result another.

It is for this reason that I am very cautious when giving a friend a reading as Emotions can cloud a true result our a card can turn your best friend into a very hurt one.... Unless the person that I am doing a reading for understands Tarot Cards and how they work and how seriously they take the reading depends on if I will do it or not..

I have been caught once when a friend thought it would be fun to do a reading and did not get a happy result, she ignored the interpretation to only have it manifest several months later...guess who go the blame!!!! Not the cards thats for Sure...

Sometimes the least said the soonest mended..



I read cards, because I really like them, I apparently have a knack for them, it's fun, and the information I give people (even when it's not all roses) really seems to help them out. Even readings where the news was not too good, people told me they were glad to hear it, it either confirmed a suspicion about a given situation, or they felt like options had been presented that they weren't able to see before.

And if you're nice about it, and present them with options and possible alternatives, they'll appreciate it. Sometimes, all people need is a different way of looking at something, so they don't feel trapped, or completely powerless. Little things mean a lot.
This is what I've found in my experience.


I read tarot because it helps me to deal with people. I've always had something of an issue with other folks' emotional states and chaotic-seeming reactions.

In person, I have something that psychologists call "diminished affect." While I have emotional reactions, I don't signal them physically. There's a major part of me that can sit aside and calmly consider all kinds of tales of woe and horror. The flip side is that I don't pick up on a lot of non-verbal cues that other people assume I should. This actually makes me good at my job, but it plays hell with more personal relationships.

Tarot helps me deal with the things I have trouble with. It gives an abstract symbol system that I can refer to, that enables me to relate to what they are feeling as well as what they are saying. It is complex enough that it can deal with those things, and simple enough that it fits in my briefcase easily. Even if I don't actually read for people, I can relate to them by relating to the symbol system.


Why do I read Tarot for myself? It seems silly to me to not use every tool at one's disposal to avert disaster or to solve problems. I don't drive with my eyes closed.

Why do I read Tarot for others? Because sometimes I seek advice from others. Turnabout is fair play. But, I don't offer readings to everyone. If someone asks for a reading, chances are, I'll do it. Stranger, acquaintance, friend, or family.


Hmmm, after reading the other posts on this topic I thought my first answer might not have completely answered the question, and made me think about my answer some more...

I was drawn to tarot when I was a child, because I had always been interested in the unknown. I don't mean that just in a "Ghostbusters" way, if you know what I mean. :) When I was growing up, my family knew I had...something. For myself, I don't think of it as being psychic - because the definition doesn't fit what I have, IMO.

I started reading tarot, and still read it, so I can connect with whatever it is more often. I don't consider it a spiritual thing, although some might. It's kind of just there, like eyesight, or a sense of smell.

My family encouraged me to not make a big deal out of it - that it was a private, personal thing - although not a bad thing. After reading this thread, I've realised that's probably why I have always been so reluctant to read for anyone but family or *very* close friends. And that's not a very good reason, so it must be time to move ahead. :) So, thanks. I like learning new things.


I started to read at a difficult time in my life when I needed to find a way to help clarify things. This spread to reading for others, but I don't read for the public - always people I know. Some may say that this creates an unfair advantage - but if the goal is help provide direction for soemone, then it should not matter. That's just my opinion.