Vacation decks


So what deck do you take with you when you go on vacation? I'm going on vacation in a month and well, space is always limited. I have some smaller decks that I *could* work with (Grimaud TdM) or I could just make do with my deck of playing cards. The urge to buy a special pocket sized deck is hard to resist. Do I really need another deck right now??? Hahaha. My Drogi is really speaking to me right now (sometimes its in polish tho), but its the biggest deck I own. My TdM could do double duty if DH and I wanted to play cards. Easy to strip the Majors and knights and play a hand of rummy or cribbage. I don't exactly connect with my TdM decks right now, tho.

Anyone want to help me out?



Choose whichever you don't think the energy will disturb it. Remember, energy is everywhere and without a good knowledge of that decks can get disrupted. Choose the deck that you feel comfortable with. I'd do with a new deck though because it will give you some alone time with it and perhaps you will grow well with it and form a special bond with it that you don't have with other decks.




Just make sure that it's a deck that if it gets lost or decides to go missing you won't be heartbroken that it's gone. I've had many things lost or stolen while on vacation. Make sure that it's one you can replace. Have a great time, I would love a vacation right now. I'm jealous! It's 10 below wind chill here in Chicago. could use some sun and hot weather!


Well, I don't have many choices. I read best with the Gilded, so I might take that, since they're not too hard to replace, either. If I were going for a light-hearted deck, then once I get the Ferret, it might be fun to take on trips. :)


I take my favorites - Albano-Waite, Druidcraft, Celtic Dragon. Sometimes I'll take along one I'm trying to get to know....


Well, I'm the girl who would opt to take books instead of clean underwear (can wash underwear in the sink, after all. :p ) So I'd take more than one deck, but not the Drogi because decks can get lost. I'd take one old faithful and one new one.


I'd go for something that wouldn't upset me too much if it got lost, forgotten or damaged. But then, I have a well-established history of misplacing things when away from home... I already lost two decks that way.


karen0205 said:
Just make sure that it's a deck that if it gets lost or decides to go missing you won't be heartbroken that it's gone. I've had many things lost or stolen while on vacation. Make sure that it's one you can replace. Have a great time, I would love a vacation right now. I'm jealous! It's 10 below wind chill here in Chicago. could use some sun and hot weather!

Its been a harsh fall/winter. I had to drive my truck thru 3 ft of water when it flooded. I was without power for 6 days due to the windstorm. I had to have a trackhoe remove all the trees that came down, but thankfully our house was fine. My son has missed so many days from school due to wind, rain and snow that we have no idea how they're going to make up all the missing days of school. Right now, if they come up with no other solutions, they would get out on July 3rd. My husband promised me a trip to Mexico 10 yrs ago in the delivery room. Its time to pay up!

I'm big on books and so am temped by a deck/book set. The practical side says to just take my RWS deck, but I really don't care for it. I've been following the thread on the Moon Garden, but don't know that I'd care for it. I guess I'm just looking for an excuse to get another deck. Like I need another deck. What to do, what to do????

Go ahead and keep the ideas coming. I'm sure the enablers here can come up with a solution for me.



A pocket size Hanson-Roberts would be small to pack, easy to replace.


It all depends on how much room you have, and how long the trip is.

I usually travel (vacation or business) with 3-4 decks, one WCS based, one TdM based, and 1 Pocket Thoth and 1 RWS/pocket sited WCS based.

For example, on my upcoming trip, 1 Lunitic, 1 Gramaud TdM, 1 Pocket Thoth, 1 Japanese/Egyptian.

For international travel, I usually cut back to 3. 1 IIT, 1 whatever, 1 Japanese/Egyptian. the other is usually a TdM variety.