Visconti vs Ancient Italian vs Lomardy


I've browsed through every set of historical deck I could find, and I've narrowed it down to the three, LS's Visconti Mini Tarot, LS's Ancient Italian Tarot, and the Ancient Tarot of Lombardy by LS as well.

Which would be better for the beginner? I've never studied a non RWS deck yet, so I really don't know what I'm getting into. I prefer the artwork on the Lombardy, but the price of the mini Visconti is very attractive. :p

Also, if the Visconti is an okay one for beginners, can anyone comment on the mini? I prefer larger decks, but the full size one seems too big, plus I can't quite justify $30 for a deck, then again the mini seems sooo small. I've got the Mystical Lenormand, and at 3x2, and it's as small as I can go without hurting my hands :p

Any other decks that I may just be looking over? I'm no fan of the Marseilles, if that helps. Much thanks, everyone.


Hi there,

The mini Visconti is very small. It's about 4.5 x 8 cm, not sure what that is in inches. I like smaller decks but I find it a bit too small.

Personally, I'd suggest the Ancient Italian, and not just because it's my favourite deck. I've also struggled to connect with the Marseille style decks in the past. The Ancient Italian follows the Marseille pattern for the most part but the style of artwork is totally different. I find in this deck the court cards are far easier to connect with. The card stock is divine as well. Also, it's now OOP I think and although still easy enough to find, soon enough it will be harder and so it might be worth picking up now while it's still available.

I also have the Lombardy but personally don't like it as much. The pips are quite different to the Marseille style and I find them harder to read. I find myself counting them the whole time because they patterns are so different.

At the end of the day though it's important to find a deck that feel right for you. Any of them would be a good enough place to start but I can't help thinking the Ancient Italian might be the best choice because you can read a lot of the discussions here regarding the Marseille decks and easily apply it.


I would agree with sapienza, both size-wise and for the artwork I would choose the Ancient Italian (LS), it also handles beautifully.

I also have the mini Visconti. It really is very small..... I would prefer that minis' were a similar size to poker cards, but they're not. For me, the mini Visconti is too 'diddly'.

Bee :)

Alan Ross

I also recommend the Ancient Italian Tarot, for the same reasons sapienza has given. However, to be fair, the LS Visconti Tarot shouldn't be disqualified on account of its size. The regular size LS Visconti Tarot is exactly the same size as the Ancient Italian Tarot and the Ancient Tarot of Lombardy, 66 x 120 mm (dimensions are from Lo Scarabeo's website). I have all three and they all feel about the same in the hand to me. My personal order of preference for reading among the three would be the Ancient Italian, the Visconti, and bringing up the rear, the Lombardy. But that's a matter of personal taste.

I don't want to complicate things further }), but have you seen the Tarot of the Master? You can see scans of a few cards here:

This is another gorgeous Lo Scarabeo reproduction (with added coloration) of a historic Italian tarot. Availability of this deck has been a bit spotty at times, but currently has a couple of copies in stock for under twenty dollars.

ETA: I just noticed that your other objection to the regular size Visconti is price. is currently offering this deck for just under twenty dollars:



Ah! Tarot of the Master is truly lovely. But the pips are nothing like a Marseille pattern. A beautiful deck as Alan says, perhaps later on.......if it's still available?

Bee :)


Hi ILuvEire

Great to see a new face in these forums.

When you say 'which would be best for a beginner', what do you want to do with the historical deck that you choose? Are you reading with it or studying it, or both?

The Visconti decks are a must if you want to study Tarot history (although the mini would be hard work!), whether you like it or not, the Marseilles deck is essential if you are study Tarot history (remember, you are posting in the History and Iconography forum], but if you want a beautiful deck to read with, which is historical and also aesthetic to the eye, the Ancient Italian is very ornate and would serve both purposes.

It depends on whether you want a pretty historical deck to read with, or whether you want to get into the nitty gritty of studying, comparing, dating, and understanding what Tarot history is all about.

I love it when people are open to looking at the historical decks and start to study them, lots of detail comes out from a fresh pair of eyes and it amounts to lots of new discussion of these beautiful decks. And I'm sure that the more you look at them the more you will appreciate what, to many people, seem quite ugly and basic looking decks. Please post again when you get your deck.


There are various Viscontis, and as Alan Ross says, the Lo Scarabeo regular size probably belongs on your list.

That said, I'd go along with the wave of endorsement of the Ancient Italian. With one proviso: if your interest in gay rights includes being a wildly enthusiastic fan of lesbians, the you should know that the Lombardy is probably the greatest butch/femme deck ever printed.


Well I have just risen off the floor! Shaveling you did not mention "Drag Queens" or "cross Dressing"?

The Pips are wonderful! Not so sure about the 22 or Honours, but I like the deck better than the Lombardy.

The Visconti gets my vote everytime. The standard size facsimile by the artist Atanassov as a reproduction is pretty accurate, so is a great option; (the deck printed by Lo Scarabeo) intead of purchasing the photo reproductions which are costly. I use this deck for readings personal to me.
I have the miniature, more for interest than using.

As Lo Scarabeo is standard in size have sometimes used the pips of the Ancient Italian, The Courts of another, The Trumps of another all in together.
I do not have a problem about the backs. Just make sure the cards are exactly the same size.


Le Fanu

shaveling said:
if your interest in gay rights includes being a wildly enthusiastic fan of lesbians, the you should know that the Lombardy is probably the greatest butch/femme deck ever printed.
What? I'm missing something here... :bugeyed:
sapienza said:
I also have the Lombardy but personally don't like it as much. The pips are quite different to the Marseille style and I find them harder to read. I find myself counting them the whole time because they patterns are so different
Sapienza, if you could just come round for tea one of these days, I would show you the Meneghello Tarocchi Neoclassico (i.e the Lombardy Tarot but by Meneghello) and you would swoon and swear it is the most beautiful historic deck ever. It really is a world apart from the LoS one. So rich in its colouring, you swear you have original, delicate 19th century watercolours in your hand. the LoS version is so pale and wishy-washy and characterless in comparison.

I'd go with the Ancient Italian, hands down. Not only is it the best of the 3 you mention ILuvEire, but the best of a whole array of historic decks. So much personality, so much colour and so little 21st century graphic interference! It is one of my favourites.

The Visconti mini is too fiddly. I have it, but Viscontis should be [size=+2]BIG[/size] and sumptuous and gold, not mini and fiddly with no gold. Looks like a bit of a cheapskate deck to be honest. You can't do Renaissance opulence on a shoestring...


Okay, I think I've settled on the Ancient Italian, I quite like it, and it seems to be the best place to start.

I plan to use this deck for readings and for study, I plan to study with the Marseilles just for its historical significance, but I can use images online for that, it just never spoke to me for readings.

After I do the Ancient Italian, I want to move on to the LS's Visconti, and I totally see what you're saying Le Fanu. A friend of mine has the Mini Visconti, the deck was so small, I needed a magnifying glass to inspect it, and as I suspected, it was too small for my hands, as I suspected.

I might also look into buying the Lombardy, no matter how butch the women are, they just speak to me for some reason. Plus, everyone likes a lesbian or two :p

Le Fanu said:
What? I'm missing something here... :bugeyed:
The women of the Lombardy seem to be quite...manly. :p