what are you blessed with?



I was just thinking about what I am blessed with and when i really think about it i would have to say that i am truly blessed with the fact that me mum is so luving,understanding,honest and trustful .Also that I was given the chance to be born and have the life that I have . And that I have me mum to teach me about wicca and all that I know. I for my little brother and sister to help me bring out my little kid side when I need to be a small child for just 10 mins.
for all the people that I have ever met, friendships that ended from all the lessons that i learnd from other peoples mistakes.
I am very blessed to be here right now at this moment.As me mum told me
"it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" and when she first told me that i was not so sure about it but... now I am .

thank you mum
thank you godess
thank you siblings
thank you friends
thank you mother earth
I could go on but I won't there is no time in space but for me but right now I need to go but before I do I would like to say

thank you life
I am 15 and I plan to live for another 115 years.

I still have tons to learn but for now I feel like the smartest person alive.


thank you


Firstly: I love the second part of your signature! I may just take that advice at some point! Although, it wouldn't be very convenient when answering a doubtful question in an exam.... lol :p

Hmmm.... What am I blessed with? I could go on forever! Sometimes I cannot express how grateful I am for the life I live now. There are so many other lives I could have led: I could be a woman living in the Third World, watching most of her children die of malnutrition or malaria by the age of 5. I could be a child raised by an abusive parent. There are so many other situations, and I'm not in any of them: I'm in a wonderful life, where I am blessed with two extremely loving parents, who have always supported me whatever I choose and do. Even when my choices aren't what they wanted for me initially, they have still supported me in them. I am blessed with two wonderful younger sisters, who I act as a role model and teacher to. It keeps me in line, and I feel good knowing that hopefully, my sisters will make really good life choices, based on the morality and view of life that they got from me and Mum. I am blessed with absolutely amazing friends, who are so open-minded and caring its unbelievable, and a boyfriend who I know is a keeper...

I am blessed with so many opportunities: To be able to have an education, and to be able to choose my own path in life. To be able to choose my religion, my clothing, my attitudes and values.... I am blessed with freedom of speech, and I am blessed with an open mind. I am blessed with an innate ability to teach others, whether they're 6 years old, or 60, and whether its First Aid or Tarot, I can teach... I am blessed with a well-paid part time job, so that I can save up to do things later on in my life, so that I can buy the little luxuries we all love.

I am blessed with a wonderful view of the sunrise in the mornings when I wake up, and a sunset a night. I am blessed with the opportunity to visit the sea as much as I want, and listen to the waves breaking, and crashing in a storm, or lull me to sleep on a hot day... I am blessed with health, and proper healthcare. I am also blessed with the opportunity to face challenges in my life, to get past them, and to learn from them.

I am blessed with so many things, and it would take an eternity to list them. Thanks for this thread, FairyFace, I am now in an exceedingly grateful mood, and I can see myself giving everybody I know a massive hug today!



Im blessed with my 2 girls, my husband, a house and food,and mind to make my own decisions on everything. Oh and with Love, think that sums it up nicely :)


Great calves....:D

Seriously, I have two wonderful children. Good health and good sense.
Oh...and a whacked sense of humor.


I am blessed with the knowledge that I've been given opportunities that others close to me haven't. This isn't a gloat. I think it has made me more open to other viewpoints and made me more humble and humanitarian. (Many close to me will shudder at the "humble" comment and wonder what the heck I'd be like if I didn't think I was a humbler person, but that's another story!!!:) )Maybe I was that way before, but never really had the opportunites to express it it or act upon it.

I am blessed by my parents - all four of them. I was fortunate to have two step-parents who loved me and welcomed me into their homes and familes. If your only experience of stepfamilies is the traditional Grimm's Fairy Tales, you probably won't appreciate that, but I feel I have been blessed as a result of it.


i think it's important to regularly review my blessings - it helps me keep things in perspective. when ever i'm down, and allowing life to get to me, a quick review of all i'm blessed with makes the few downward cycles pale in comparrison. as such, i review the many things i am blessed with every morning, during my morning prayers.

i thank the goddess for helping me find my path, and helping me find the strength to stay on it.
i thank the goddess for bringing so much love into my life - my boyfriend, my cat, my coven, my online friends, the few friends i have at work, and the love i feel flowing around me as i go through my daily activities.
i thank the goddess for my family, my dad, my sisters, my mom, and my son.
i thank the goddess that i have the resources to change my life so that i can find happiness. and i thank the goddess that i have a job, even though i'm really hating it. lol.
and i thank the goddess that the bill collectors haven't broken down my door for payment.
and i thank the goddess for guiding me to her. for without that, i surely would not have made it this far.

luv and light,


well, *jade wipes a tear from her eye* that was beautiful fairy!

i was reading your post, not realizing that it was yours and i thought, wow, what a cool life you have, then i saw that it was your post :)

i am blessed with a family that i love dearly.

a soul-mother who loves me.
children who are amazing, intuitive and powerful beings of light.
a husband who adores me (as it should be....i am a leo after all LOL)
many wonderful abilities that i cherish and explore daily.
students........all around the world that make my path so worthwhile :)

i love my life. i truly do. i just absolutely love it.

(good topic fairy)

jade :)


Quote:Originally posted by fairyface
[i am 15 and i plan to live for another 115 years.]

Well, If you're gonna plan, plan for a long time!...

I feel blessed that I am here, now, as the person I am, to say this....that i;ve met all the people that made me the person i am now...thankyou, you interfering bastards, i love you all....('scuse my language. Take it in a Withnail sense.)....


blessings...hmmm...so many to choose from... ;)

a loving husband and pets :*
shelter, food and transportation
the opportunities to seek wisdom and education in many areas
my tarot collection :cool:
after many years of suffering physical pain and general bad health, the blessing of good health!!!!!!!!!
a good relationship w/ most of my family
most of all--LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the ability to respect its preciousness and value in its many forms

New River

Hey there fairyface! good topic. i think we all need to focus on our blessings more often.

today i am feeling blessed for my two hands that seem like such magic wands, automatically doing what my brain wants them to. amazing!

my two eyes that are like crystal balls, seeing the beauty that surrounds me and feeding my soul with color. a miracle!

i'm feeling blessed with my two feet, that support me unconditionally and take me where i want to go.

and for my mind, that misunderstood powersource that allows me to create.

love, light and hope, New River