What do you believe?



Your message made me think about some aspects of life.
For example, we see violence around the world, people killing each other.
So I think: why make war if we can make love?
If we're able to love why hate other people. Hate and love are iqual inside of us, in the bottle of our heart.
But there is a difference: hate is powerfull than love. A person is able to make another person sadest than happiest, if he is angry...
So why waste time of our lifes with so ridiculous feelings? This, drive us to anywhere, to dark and endless path.

I'm not sure what I believe in, because this is a very difficult question you've chose, anyway I'll try to express what I believe. If you don't understand or if you have any comment, please, feel free to write me back! Ok? Is it deal??
Well, I believe in God, but not in a specific God, name as Jesus or Buda, for example. I believe that exists a energy or a spirit that is God. Each peoples give an specific name to this energy or power they believe, as Buda, for example. But this histories are not more than, a tale, and there is personification of this energy, otherwise who would believe in it?

But indeed, God is inside of us. God presents everything we have better inside us, our better atittude, thinks, feelings...
It's complicated because there are many difference about social level. So sometimes we can think: "why so many people starving, dying sick and others so rich travelling a lot, spending money with cars, clothes and... guns!
So we can think God is not Good because some of us are lucky and others don't.
Do you think God is guilt?
No, I don't think so. Why??
Because everyone pay here for something that they have made. I believe in reencarnation. What about you, do you believe??
Till now this is the only answer I've found about God's existence, about this social levels, people sick...
If we make and wish only good things to the others we'll receive back good things, on the other hand we'll receive back bad things according to our atittudes...

I don't know if I'm clear. So make your questions.

The is another thing I believe: love!
I believe in love. But I don't if a love, (homo or heterosexual - I don't mind!) can be eternal.
What do you think about this question, Dan?
Do you have a partner? I mean, girlfriend or boyfriend?
If you have, do you love her? I mean, do you really love her?
I don't know what do you think about fidelity, but have already betrayed her? If the answer is yes, how many times and why? In which circumstances?
If the answer is no, tell me why?
I just like to know if you believe in love?
Is this feeling worthwile?

Tell me about this kind of feeling because, before we discuss about our outside beliefs we have to undestand what we believe and feel inside of us!

I believe in love! I think people who love and are loved are happy and don't wish bad things to other people.

Write me back, because I'm sure tere are many, many comments about I've just wrote here... starting by my English! Sorry, I know it's terrible... indeed I'm striving to improve it!!


Annie- I slightly disagree with you, about hate being stronger than love. I believe Love is stronger than anything, including hate. hate just eats you up inside, yet love is generous and multiplies. I think.


OK, of course I belive love is and have to be stronger than hate, than why I said that hate is stronger than love to that kind of people are angry.
For example, Bin Laden was able to cause that tragedy to the USA, and consequently, to the rest of of the world...
Thousand of people died...
That's what i refered. I'm sorry if I was not clear... Maybe is because I wirte too much, and think fast...
Because of this I believe in love and i asked: Why make war if we can make love!!
Because of people like him, I told hate can be stronger.

Thans a lot for your comment!!



Yeah, now am begining to to think that I need to spend more time getting to know my inner self more. Because lately, am begining to loose my telekentic mind. I can't seem to focas. its like, a thousand thoughts tumble into my mind right when am trying to concentrate. Its very hard.

But yeah, this world wouldn't exist without love. And Earth wouldn't be what it is if there wasn't some hate in it either. I think.


Maybe all aspects are equal ~ love/hate, good/evil, light/dark, and so forth. One balances the other. For every action, there is a reaction. For example, Bin Laden's actions certainly were motivated by hate, yet his actions also caused a tremendous reaction of love and support for the victims. His actions also caused the reaction of the world trying to unite and erase terrorism. It's like the pebble cast upon the lake, the ripples are far reaching. You just never know how decisions you make will affect yourself and those around you, now and far into the future. Someone in another thread mentioned the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So, if you are loving and caring, hopefully that is what you will receive in return.

Kaleidoscope Eyes

Quote:teenagegirl (30 Jan, 2002 08:17):
Annie- I slightly disagree with you, about hate being stronger than love. I believe Love is stronger than anything, including hate. hate just eats you up inside, yet love is generous and multiplies. I think.

TG, you have just expressed the deepest Truth there is or ever will be. Never forget this great Wisdom you bear within yourself, even when (somewhere up the road ahead) you are tempted not to believe it, and would rather hate another or attack them because they have hurt or offended you in some way.

May this be true of us all!


Hi Annie,

thanks a lot for writing me back, for answering my question...

Well, you really wrote a lot, didn?t you?...lol...it wasn?t a text, it was a treaty...lol...I?m just kidding...
You asked me whether I believed reincarnation or not...and the answer is ...yes...I believe in reicarnation, and maybe that?s really the answer for all that social differences you?ve talked about...but, this is subject for another thread, in another post, later ...

You also asked me if I had a girlfriend....well, I do...I have a girlfriend, and I can say I love her...Eventhough this love is not what it used to be, it?s still love...and I love her very much...
And, yes, I?ve betrayed her...if you ask me why, that would be too complicated to explain...sometimes we do things because of the wrong reasons...sometimes we are feeling so sad, so hurt, so depressed...then we do certain things we regret later on...
And it?s true, I regret what I did in the past ...I did it for the wrong reasons...

But, how about you?...Do you have a boyfriend?...Have you ever cheated on him?...Do you love somebody?...Please answer me ...

You know...life is way too complicated...we are all lost in life, striving to find some light to guide us...and no matter how enlightened we may think we are, we always make a mistake, once in a while...and if we accept that mistake, if we don?t try to set things straight, then we are gonna be heading the opposite direction from that light we were searching for ...

Well, that?s what I believe in...and there are so many other things to be discussed...
Well, I think I had better be going...
Write me if you will...I?ll be waiting...




yes, I agree with you. It is easier to love than to hate.But as obvious as this may sound, I've realized that both love and hate build up. But when they finally do come out, the results are very different. and I don't know, but to me, You can only hate someone, if you once loved them. I don't know, its just what I think.