What do you Dream about?


hey everyone...

it crossed my mind this morning to post this thread. I know we've shared some of our tarot dreams... or some of our more spiritually-centered dreams with each other on this forum... but I know people don't dream of that stuff all the time (or do you?)

Me, for example, I dream every night and have no problem recollecting my dreams... but, it seems like my dreams have been "stuck" on past memories and complilations of such... for example - almost everynight this week, and probabley the week before, I have dreampt of high-school friends and places of my childhood and teenage years... the dreams are not the same, but the overall characters and settings are... ... and I'm getting so Bored of it all! haha. I am wondering if this is normal... or if in fact there is something from my past that I have yet to face and release....

supposedly when we dream, we actually travel in the astral realm and create our own surroundings, which sometimes we are aware we have control over, and sometimes we just go with the flow... so why would I be recreating the same thing over and over, if I so very much want to be more in control in my dreams, I wonder...

does all this make sense? So, my questions to you all are.... what do you think about dreams? what do you mostly dream about? (for example, past events, wish fulfillment, strictly fantasy, astral travel, etc...) how much influence do your dreams have on your waking life? do you often receive messages in dreams? how much credit do you give your dreams? do you remember them?

I'm very eager to hear what others have to say... sometimes my dreams are more vivid than my waking life... and it can be hard to balance the two.... and then I wonder, who is to say one is more "real" than the other, if it effects you on a "real" level... ahhhh, I could go on and on.

:) joya


I guess there's a part of you that wants to live in things it knows, and not step into the big wide world ;)....even if that doesn't represent the rest of you as a person....everyone has their little worries and niggles and daemons inside....just dig out that old recording of 'the forbidden planet'..;)

isthmus nekoi

I think all dreams are spiritually centered and not-so-spiritual elements are related to the greater journey of an individual. Sometimes you get elements from your personal unconscious and sometimes you get very powerful elements from the collective unconsicous - energies that are outside personal experience and knowledge...
In a way, it's almost easier to read the 'big' dreams b/c they are so archetypal, and of course it can be very moving to have them, but the 'little' dreams are very important as well - they're almost analogous to the majors/minors. Just think of reading a spread and then ignoring all the minors! Um... another way to think of it is whenever you get into these epic hero journeys there are these parts where they have to travel or rest or whatever and the story or movie etc just gives you a time ellipsis b/c nothing major really happens, it might even be boring. But in actuality, these things take time and there are no shortcuts!

Usually, I just take the dreams as they are, work w/the imagery. The feeling I get when I wake up stays w/me the whole day and even if I didn't remember the dream well, I know it is still there, just under my skin. So I don't try hard to get a message or meaning out of it.
However, sometimes my dreams can be very blatent - I don't keep an agenda so they'll remind me of things like library books due etc. Sometimes they'll have a very clear msg for me that relates directly to real life... For instance, I was having trouble writing this story and I thought: why don't I just leave it alone (b/c I've left many a story unfinished), it's just too difficult writing this. Then during the night, my mother was in the kitchen where all these spiders were (spiders being related to language and writing). Then she said, "look, if they piss you off, why don't you just throw them away." And I when I woke up I *knew* that if I knew what was good for me, not to listen to my mum :p hee hee!


My dreams are very real and vivid 75% of the time. On the times I don't recollect anything I've been sleepwalking. When I do that I can do laundry, clean, write letters, do bills and never remember until I see what I've done the next day and say "wow" I've done it again!
Mostly I dream about the major concerns on my mind. Today my husband flew to California(I live in Ohio) on business.
Two days ago I had a very real (woke up gasping for air and scared to death) dream that my husband was in our camper (Pop up hard side) And the weather was really bad. Tornadoey type weather. I was in side and watched as a huge gust of wind picked up the camper and summersaulted it over and over across the back yard and down the street. John was inside and I could do nothing to either warn him or get to him. I woke up before I could do anything.

Today, before he left, the weather was a think fog, very rainy and dreary and there was a snow advisory. So I guess bad weather was on my mind. He got there okay, and he's fine, but we both hate flying.

So , yes I dream and mostly it's about worries, concerns and the like. Every once in a while I have really vivid dreams that I know i am dreaming, but the awake part of me feels like the dream. And I can control what happens in them. Sometimes it feels like I have ben there before, even though I haven't. Past life recall, astral projection? Your guess is a sgood as mine, but I remember every one of those dreams as if I actually lived them ;)

Sorry to have rambled on and on...........


i love going to bed at night. i have the most comfy bed in the entire world. a big thick feather mattress on a king size bed with a wonderful down comforter on top................soft flannel sheets.......aaahhh, it makes me want to rush into bed now LOL

i lay down and send reiki sessions and work on myself, meditate and then when my mind is clear and open, i drift off to sleep.

i often do alot of work at night. sometimes i am learning palmistry, or reading auras, working on tarot or having a more mundane type of dream. i believe that we do the majority of our spiritual work at night in the astral.

my daughter wakes me often thru the night and i cherish going back to sleep and dreaming some more.

aaaahhhh, the best part of the day............laying in my bed doing spiritual stuff. :)

in light,

ps my favorite place to read cards is in bed, with candles. :)


Hey, all!

Temperance413: What you are doing when you "know" that you are dreaming in the middle of the dream sounds like something called Lucid Dreaming. It's very cool, isn't it? I first did it when I was about 9 or 10 and was having a recurring nightmare about my mother. One night I just 'recognized' that I was dreaming that same darn dream, and decided that I wouldn't let it end the same way again. So I changed the ending and never had it again! Ever since then I have never been bothered by nightmares. (This comes in handy as it allows me to see lots of scary movies with no ill effects! }) )

Anyway, I have my own theories about why we dream (very boring biological ones that I won't go into here), but I am continually fascinated by the intricate connections our subconscious minds make when confronted with the unusual assortment of images that make up most dreams.

Pleasant dreams, everyone!




hey all, :)

great responses.... thanks for sharing...

dreams ARE fascinating... they make up almost 1/3 of our lives. Melvis, I hear you about the Lucid dreaming thing... it's kinda a weird thing for me, cause in all my dreams I am aware that I am dreaming, but I don't feel I have the control to change it... like, for example, if something bad happens in my dream, I participate in it, but am not so affected, cause I know it's "just a dream"... so, rather than being scary, it's rather interesting....
I wonder though how to take the next step from being aware in my dreams to actually controlling them..... maybe I'm just too lazy or tired to do so! haha.

I have been able to break out of the dreaming rut I was in though, thanks to Malachite's and other's responses, which helped put things in perspective. :)



Joya , just a thought , I think I read this in a dream interpretation book- if you dream of people and things from your past , for example , old high school friends and days, it could be that Something in your Current life is Reminding you of a person or situation from this past. Is there a particular old friend or aquaintance in the dreams? Does this person Remind you or their actions remind you of anything or one currently in the present? Is there a present situation that maybe mirrors a situation from high school days?
I give dreams a lot of credit , in that there is a secret message in there, if only I could always Know exactly what it's message was! Sometimes it may be helpful to have someone else take a guess at interpretation. I have many dreams that I'm pretty clueless about , but fascinate me nevertheless!
I'm Sure there is Some reason you are dreaming about high school every night . I don't think it's just random coincidence. Maybe you long for simple days with less responsibility? Maybe you wonder what Would've happened IF?


I have always been a MAJOR Dreamer...
As a child when I had nightmares I would wake myself up and change the channel(so to speak)
I've drempt of poor little children being hurt, maimed and slaughtered(ugh,I hate those dreams)
Around june/july last year I drempt of all the children going to school and every one who had eaten there that day were sick and dying...
Awful dream...
and then sept.11 came and went and talk about freaked out...
And I hope that if this comes into being that the Heavens will deliver a dream to keep my children at home...
I don't always dream of awful things
I have seen my childrens faces
I have seen my future children (grown)
there are many dreams of past lives and future lives...
There are so many different ones...