what do you say to a person if you see...wands in love questions?


I've noticed that I have problems when I have to interpret cards to others. I understand the meaning, but I don't know exactly what to say. It is difficult for me to find the words or I get too "philosophical":)

And also I have problems with interpretation of wands in relationship questions, so I combined these two issues here in this post:)

Ok, ace of wands: a new, fresh, powerful beginning, a promise; maybe a telephone call, a letter, outburst of passion, strong communication.
What do you say?

two of wands: a see this as a bold pushing forward, maybe I am wrong. Like, someone decides it is time to do something and he/she will do it. How do you see it?

three of wands: hmmm, cooperation? Help, working together? working together for mutual aims?But this is more with pentacles. What do wands tell us here? Sharing new ideas? - but these are swords...so wands - what?:) new projects done together...?:)

four of wands: strong foundation - is this a "happy" card? I mean, 4 of pentcales has some negativity in it, it can be miserly, possessive; 4 of cups can be bored, 4 of swords is resting...what about wands? Is this a "creative" foundation - being wands, they still push further with their fire.

five of wands: I usually see fight or quarreling or little, annoying problems but the person will be able to deal with them, they might just take some energy.
Quarrel: what about 5 of swords? is 5 of swords more about being hurt, nasty things said...and wands more like little outbursts, crash of energy? I feel a quarrel in 5 of wands hurts less than the quarrel of 5 of swords - what do you think?

six of wands: victory, good news - yes, when I was asking about an exam and I got this card, I knew what it meant:) What elese can it mean? That or some time you will feel like you really made it? In a relationship - that it is working well, but be careful, good things don't last forever? Or that you can feel too proud?

seven of wands: what is the difference between 7 and 2 of wands? 2 is about being bold, but there is no fight in it? 7 is about standing for yourself, going for that goal. What about 9 of wands? Is there more defense as in 7?
And what does 7 mean in a relationship question? Stand for yourself? Someone is pushing things? and 9 - someone is defending him/her self?

eight of wands: something will happen - soon. A quick communication. For me this card is all about communication, being in the air, just coming.

nine of wands: defense? What do you say if you see this card?

ten of wands: someone is overburdened, or too much energy is involved, don't get consumed, or don't take too much responsibility.

page of wands: news again? an offer, starting a new project togehter?

knight of wands: be ware of too much energy, don't jump into things, don't be too hasty.

queen of wands: show your charm, your karizma, be creative...a strong woman

king of wands: confidency, warm, intelligent person or approach is needed.

Do you feel like discussing this issue a little?:) I would really like to be able to give concrete, solid insights, but with some cards I get too general. And some wands are confusing for me in love questions.



Do you see Wands as Fire?

Big question: Do you see Wands as air or fire? As "intellect" or as "energy"? Some folk will argue them as "air," others as "fire." You decide what is right for you. I'm going to answer your question as if Wands were fire/energy (with Swords as air/intellect). But it's an important question--if they're fire/energy, then no, they don't signal communication or messages. They signal action, achievement, travel, movement, spirituality, passion, temper.

wind said:
I have problems with interpretation of wands in relationship questions
If Wands are fire, then they are about passion and energy. When they appear in a relationship question, they can be saying that there is passion--but not necessarily lasting tenderness or love. That, in short, one, the other or both people want to rip each others clothes off, that they have great fun together and can drink and dance and paint the town red till dawn...but they're not writing love poems or talking about their feelings.

This relationship is in danger of burning very hot--then buring itself out.

Aces are the *undirected* energy of the card coming into being. So the Ace of Wands is the striking of the match. 2/Wands is usually about making a choice--where to put the energy. 3/wands is seeing the results of that choice--you put the energy in, what do you get back? 4/Wands can be marriage, as you say, the solid foundation built by that energy and focus, a way to keep it burning.

Try this metaphor with 1-4: 1-strike the match. 2-decide which bit of firewood to light. 3--get the fire going. 4-the fire is going--bank it to keep it burning.

5/Wands is the attempt to stand out, to make your creativity, energy be seen; to shine your light and not be lost amid others--it's a fight for recognition, not 5/swords which is the "losing an argument" card (Swords = air = words and wit). 6/wands is the victory card--it's the results of 5/wands--you get the attention. But now you have to fight to keep it.

7/Wands is about standing your ground against others who want to bring you down, who want to put a damper on that fire. 8/Wands is not about communication UNLESS you view wands as "air." If Wands are fire, then this about ACTION. Moving quickly, happening quickly. Catching fire and burning very hot. Everything ablaze. It's "communication" only in the sense of, say, a political or spiritual grass-roots movement catching fire, capturing the imagination and energy of the people (as compared to spreading news or information = air).

9/Wands--the fire is dying, and you, alone, are left to keep it burning through the night. But unlike 7/wands, your passion for doing so is nearly gone. You're tired and it's hard not to just walk away. 10/wands is just as you say: overburdened, or too much energy is involved. Too many fire to keep burning.

page of wands: Pages can be about news--but Wands, as fire, are about travel, and P/Wands is a short trip. Also learning. An energtic, charismatic child.

knight of wands: Knights are about longer trips--about fighting and defending and being passionate. Also an energetic teenager.

queen of wands: A creative, dramatic, charismatic woman.

king of wands: A creative, dramatic, charismatic man.

All Wand Court Cards signal people who dominate a room. Who walk in and light it up. Attract like a campfire and burn through the night. Watch that they don't burn you or consume all of your energy.

Does that help?


wind said:
I've noticed that I have problems when I have to interpret cards to others. I understand the meaning, but I don't know exactly what to say. It is difficult for me to find the words or I get too "philosophical":)

I have this same problem. I don't know what to say, i think i sound too stupid (i feel like i'm telling the obvious most of the time) and i get...speechless. You're not alone ;)

wind said:
four of wands: strong foundation - is this a "happy" card? I mean, 4 of pentcales has some negativity in it, it can be miserly, possessive; 4 of cups can be bored, 4 of swords is resting...what about wands? Is this a "creative" foundation - being wands, they still push further with their fire.

Four of Wands is a 'positive' card, but we must remember fours tend to be a square...what doesn't change. So you can build strong foundations, but can these be so strong you get 'limited' by them...afraid of leaving them 'work' once in a while to get some fresh air? Can that make you less flexible? Those are things to think about...

:TPW Yuko


Thirteen said:
...if they're fire/energy.... they signal action, achievement, travel, movement, spirituality, passion, temper.

Don't forget that last one (temper). Wands (as fire) can represent aggression, battles, struggles, fights, victories and defeats. It's not just about passion or "burning out". Wands can indicate a volatile relationship with lots of conflict and arguing.


wind said:
I've noticed that I have problems when I have to interpret cards to others. I understand the meaning, but I don't know exactly what to say. It is difficult for me to find the words or I get too "philosophical":)

I can relate! :D I get nervous because I know what people want to hear! They want the 'fortune telling', and sometimes I feel that tarot (at least to me) is a bit more spiritual than that. It's about growing, and getting to know your soul, not about knowing that your mother is gonna call next week, or that your teacher has a crush on you! Hehe.
So, reading for others I get lost in my words too. Even though I can understand the message I have to "translate" it to the querent. It's hard...

Thirteen's take on the wands is great! Thank you for posting that.


Flidais said:
Don't forget that last one (temper). Wands (as fire) can represent aggression, battles, struggles, fights, victories and defeats. It's not just about passion or "burning out". Wands can indicate a volatile relationship with lots of conflict and arguing.
Very true! I was a little afraid of confusing Wind in regards to Wands vs. Swords. Swords often indicate battles and conflicts as well and I thought bringing that in might muddy the waters. However.....as you mentioned it up, we might as well clarify the difference between a Wand battle and a Sword battle (assuming, of course, that we're reading Wands as fire, Swords as Air):

A Wand couple are the ones likely to raise their voices; the hot tempers go up and things go flying. They're the ones the whole neighborhood is going to hear fighting long into the night. The bad news is that they can do a lot of damage, burn everything down. The good news is, the fire will go out eventually. Sword couples, on the other hand, don't need to raise their voices. They can cut each other down with a word, stab right through the heart, quietly, easily, coldly. And they may stay enemies forever. The play, "Whose Afraid of Virgina Woolf" is a good example of a Sword Couple going at each other. The rapiers are out.

Put it another way, if a man gets a Wand Queen mad, there's going to be a lot of screaming and he's likely going to find his favoite car set on fire. If a man gets a Sword Queen mad....ouch. Word of every secret he NEVER wanted anyone to know about will trickle out bit by agonizing bit for months on end; he'll have no reputation or credibility left by the time she's done with him. She will verbally cut him to ribbons.

And just to finish them off--if a man gets a Pentacle Queen mad she'll clear out his home and bank account--he'll be lucky if he's left with the clothes on his back. As for the Cup Queen, she'll tie up the man who makes her angry in emotional knots. She knows all his emotional buttons and she'll press each and every one.


Hi, everyone!

Thanks for all your replies...they were very insightful!

Wands are fire, at least in my decks.

I need to study your answers more thouroughly, I hope that will help me even more:)


There is a great book that I discovered only recently. It is by Zeigler, the author of "Tarot - Mirror of the Soul" and it is called "Tarot - Mirror of your Relationships" and it is geared specifically at questions like those. To me, it has already become invaluable for those cards that are not really connected to love and relationshps.


Thirteen said:
Put it another way, if a man gets a Wand Queen mad, there's going to be a lot of screaming and he's likely going to find his favoite car set on fire. If a man gets a Sword Queen mad....ouch. Word of every secret he NEVER wanted anyone to know about will trickle out bit by agonizing bit for months on end; he'll have no reputation or credibility left by the time she's done with him. She will verbally cut him to ribbons.

And just to finish them off--if a man gets a Pentacle Queen mad she'll clear out his home and bank account--he'll be lucky if he's left with the clothes on his back. As for the Cup Queen, she'll tie up the man who makes her angry in emotional knots. She knows all his emotional buttons and she'll press each and every one.

Sooooo true Thirteen..... so true........


Citrin said:
I can relate! :D I get nervous because I know what people want to hear! They want the 'fortune telling', and sometimes I feel that tarot (at least to me) is a bit more spiritual than that. It's about growing, and getting to know your soul, not about knowing that your mother is gonna call next week, or that your teacher has a crush on you! Hehe.
So, reading for others I get lost in my words too. Even though I can understand the message I have to "translate" it to the querent. It's hard...

Thirteen's take on the wands is great! Thank you for posting that.

lol, I get lost in my mind making it very difficult to even find the words to get lost in, lol. Early signs of oldtimers I guess! Just this week I've started to read out loud and it's been more difficult than I thought it would be. Like I tell my grandson, "practice, practice, practice".

I recently had a relationship spread that was all Swords, except for three out of ten cards, whew, talk about being all mental about love, lol.

Thirteen when I grow up I want to be as eloquent as you!! Amazing!
