What does your oldest deck smell like?


What does your oldest deck smell like?

Mine smells like cheap rose oil. A man in the subway was selling it as "Somalia Rose", and I rubbed it on the edges. I hadn't used the deck in such a long time, preferring my trimmed Radiant RWS, to the larger less crisp standard RWS. I pulled it out though, after not liking the purple background of the hanged man, and wanting to see the standard colors, and as soon as I caught a whiff, I just fell in love with it again.

I'm just curious whether anyone else's oldest deck has absorbed any odors or is scented and how the scent affects you. Mine smells like...home.


When I kept a deck with a incense stick, the smell lingered

At that time, jasmine was a favorite.

However the smell has faded over time and I was thinking of renewing it...not certain what the next scent will be. I've been sick for six weeks of congestion, so haven't been able to smell anything at all! But somewhere I read the fragrance of "Egyptian Lotus" was supposed to be amazing...although I forgot the maker of such scents...



Lex Talionis

Pachouli and twinkys..lol


Never entered my mind to smell my decks. . .


Jaqueline said:
Never entered my mind to smell my decks. . .
Oh Jaqueline...you don't know what you are missing..especially new deck smell, it's heaven.
My oldest deck (Robin Wood) was in a box with a Jasmine candle for a long time and it still smells like Jasmine everytime I use it.


Hmm. Kind of like the inside of my purse, if I burned incense in there. Almost perfumy, but not exactly perfume, more like a sandalwoody musky, and with a definite touch of Dior's Poison perfume, which I seldom wear, but had sampler in my purse for the longest time jostling around with the deck. It made everything in my purse smell faintly Poisonish, which is good. A bit of a top note of that cosmetic smell that you get when you have a buncha cosmetics in one place. A faint smokiness. A little funky-dirty-used.


My very first deck... a soft and worn RWS, smells like musty rose petals.

I didn't keep any in with it...it just naturally smells like that.


Oldest in how long I've had it or oldest in by date of printing ? It makes a lot of difference.....


like candles as i store a candle in the box with all my old decks in