What if you discovered your favourite deck was painted by a Trump supporter?


if a deck artist made his imagery depicting ..... I'd not want to use that deck.
THAT's what I am taking issue with. IF the deck in question depicts trumpy stuff I wouldn't want to read with it. But if it is - like the Thoth, to which so many people object - a stunning deck by someone with views you dislike, that's different. I do still listen to Beethoven; and I can't detect his horribleness to his nephew and the rest in his music.
Prudence said:
If this hypothetical Trump supporting artist made a deck that embraced and displayed Trump's beliefs the way the Osho Zen deck has with Rajneesh's beliefs, oh boy would I not be able to happily read with it. It would be the same, absolute BS and hypocrisy, just like the Osho. Tainted and or stained is a very apt description. Maybe throw "utterly" in there. ;)
If it "displayed". Exactly.
Even if the artist has inserted his political beliefs into the cards, and they can be perceived?
And if they can't ? Can it not just be art work, a deck ? If you don't KNOW which deck - can you detect the creator's beliefs ?
Maru said:
As long as the cards don't feature Trump ... dancing naked on the pin of needle,
This one I WANT })

Beancrew49 said:
I expect more from this group.
Seriously feeling collectively judged here, and found wanting. :neutral:

Everyone has different views. In fact, it would be a rather boring world (and forum!) if everyone all said and believed the same things, and held the same views. :livelong:
True. There are in fact several Trump supporters on this forum, but to protect their lives I will not name them ;); they were vilified in threads when they said they were voting for him.


(Question for people who didn't vote Trump.) If you found that your main reading deck was painted by someone who voted for Trump, would you still be able to read with it or would the knowledge of the deck creator's political leanings sour the deck?

Would you feel that by buying the deck you were supporting Trump via his supporters in a round about way?

I know some people can't read with Thoth because they don't like some of the things Crowley did.

For me it's all about ethical buying, as far as possible.

If anyone wants to go through my deck collection listed in my profile and identify the Trump supporters I will burn every last one of them in a banishing ceremony.


That's descending to his level. Whatever we think of politics, it was a free vote. We are all entitled to our opinions, even when they are wrong. My SO and I do not vote the same way. I'm not burning the books he writes... I just tell him he's nuts :D

ana luisa

wouldn't bother me a bit.

Same here. I may be wrong but I don't mix the person with the art. UNLESS his art shows something I disagree with or hate . Then, the person may even be a SAINT, I wouldn't use the deck.


Well. So that this doesn't go off into too much of tangent regarding the political power of a president etc etc. what's really interesting to me is that it confirms the extraordinary relationship that exist between decks and their readers. Art may indeed be art, and maybe it can and should be judged on its merit rather than whoever produced it and what sort of person they may have been or not. The comparisons to Beethoven and other artists of questionable personal characters are relevant but still fall short. Tarot decks are not bought just for their "art". (Well maybe in some cases) but the core purpose is to read with them and that requires some degree of an emotive connection to the images. As such, tarot decks go beyond something you merely hang on the wall for decoration. From a deck designers point of view this can be extremely satisfying, but occasionally also a source of frustration. But it also explains why for some readers, the person behind those images could in certain circumstances very much be a factor in this emotional connection. So the original question of this thread doesn't suprize me at all. Just as I was not really surprised when I lost some "customers" for voicing my views. While it's seemed over the top at the time, with hindsight it was inevitable.



People have the right to choose Democratic, Republic....or Other and should not be discriminated against, judged, or put down for it.

So much for the "freedom of anything!".

Who cares about what Designer or Art Maker supports this person or that person. Art is Art.

Adults should be adults not children fighting in a kindergarten and teaching the next generation to do the same.

"We will not buy your Art because you are a Trump supporter" or "You should not sing at his inauguration because we will not buy your music anymore".

Different ways of being the worst type of people and "narrow minded" is one of them.

"Dixie Chicks" are a great example of just how horrible people can be to people over a President.

I am sooooo glad NOT TO be from the USA if this is anything to go by. I am proud to be an New Zealander and for not being brought up to be so petty minded in that way.

DND :)

Not kindergarten at all. Why would anyone contribute to their own oppression? Long story short. I had a doctor appointment day after the election. In the waiting room all these Republicans were regurgitating the Mercer Family/Breitbart lies about the Clintons. I talked with the receptionist about it and she told me my doctor had her send out Republican/Trump emails etc, on the clock. My $ to this doctor was inadvertently paying for Trump's election. Needless to say I won't be back even though I think this doctor is possibly the sweetest person I've ever met or at least appeared that way.


If you want to believe that the President has the power to decide what kind of health care you receive, then you are right. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Hmmm well I don't claim to understand the nuance between figurehead and actual political power, but your proposal of reality sounds very metaphysical to me. What I can tell you is that the lower health insurance premiums I paid, were very real and the amounts changed for the better as a result of the policies pushed by the president at that time. Now I'm pretty sure that wasn't all in my head. For example, a president, in this case Obama, pushes for an affordable health care act, it gets implemented, I pay less.....BINGO. I assumed there was a connection. Now no doubt, other people might provide their own experiences with opposing results, but you asked me a question earlier to provide an example of how a presidents actions directly effected me. I think my example was a valid response.


That's descending to his level. Whatever we think of politics, it was a free vote. We are all entitled to our opinions, even when they are wrong. My SO and I do not vote the same way. I'm not burning the books he writes... I just tell him he's nuts :D

It would be quite a spectacular display though. 😊 Didn't they used to burn bras back in the days of the feminist movement. Wonder if anyone burned any yesterday?


The comparisons to Beethoven and other artists of questionable personal characters are relevant but still fall short. Tarot decks are not bought just for their "art". (Well maybe in some cases) but the core purpose is to read with them and that requires some degree of an emotive connection to the images. As such, tarot decks go beyond something you merely hang on the wall for decoration.
True - OK - but what about writers of poetry - who do - if you read carefully - show their colours in there ?
Hmmm well I don't claim to understand the nuance between figurehead and actual political power, but your proposal of reality sounds very metaphysical to me. What I can tell you is that the lower health insurance premiums I paid, were very real and the amounts changed for the better as a result of the policies pushed by the president at that time. Now I'm pretty sure that wasn't all in my head. For example, a president, in this case Obama, pushes for an affordable health care act, it gets implemented, I pay less.....BINGO. I assumed there was a connection. Now no doubt, other people might provide their own experiences with opposing results, but you asked me a question earlier to provide an example of how a presidents actions directly effected me. I think my example was a valid response.
It was - and it did show the power a president does have. There are a scary number of things he can do by executive order. It is just sad that various states managed to f up ACA so badly. We have friends who were insured, but because of the way the ACA was implemented their premiums went sky high, they could no longer afford them, and they now get fined for not having cover. SOMETHING needs to be done. I think Obama could have done more, I have to say, but I don't know enough to know how. Certainly the POTUS has enormous personal power and can and does affect individuals; there's no point trying to pretend that isn't true.


If that doctor was the only one there if you were in an accident - bet you you would not be thinking "Republic" or "Democrat". Not dying and your life flashing would be upmost on your mind.

Early days yet to say anyone is truly oppressed. USA history proves that if slaves fought for freedom then anyone can. So, instead of being downtrodden and pessimistic, it is an opportunity for people to find a way out of it and not be the oppressed or to play the victims.

DND :)

Not kindergarten at all. Why would anyone contribute to their own oppression? Long story short. I had a doctor appointment day after the election. In the waiting room all these Republicans were regurgitating the Mercer Family/Breitbart lies about the Clintons. I talked with the receptionist about it and she told me my doctor had her send out Republican/Trump emails etc, on the clock. My $ to this doctor was inadvertently paying for Trump's election. Needless to say I won't be back even though I think this doctor is possibly the sweetest person I've ever met or at least appeared that way.