What Lenormand combos show a divorce


Tower + letter could also be divorce papers.

Fox + ring could be backing out of a commitment.

Ring + scythe to be a divorce (100%)

Yes, I agree Ring + Scythe can be pointing to a divorce. But only if the sharp part of scythe is pointing to the Ring.
e.g. Lenormand card: Ring + Scythe means sudden change in relationship/contract
Scythe + Ring - can be divorce or cutting relationship


Yes, I agree Ring + Scythe can be pointing to a divorce. But only if the sharp part of scythe is pointing to the Ring.
e.g. Lenormand card: Ring + Scythe means sudden change in relationship/contract
Scythe + Ring - can be divorce or cutting relationship

That silly scythe! I have the standard French Lenormand deck. I started reading lennies about a month ago and realized I had to make a decision on how I'd view which way the scythe's blade cuts (for me it's the cards ahead/right of it. I'd go bonkers if I didn't settle on a method!

So that's why Ring -Scythe means sudden change or decision in a relationship.


Mountain, Lady, Tower or Mountain, Man, Tower.

I could see Scythe Heart or Scythe Ring, however, even when someone you love goes away for a bit, those cards will pop up - much like in Tarot, where the Three Swords can even just indicate someone leaving for a while (vacation, business trip). So it is a hard one to call.

Storks I would normally see as a positive improvement on a situation, but of course, that depends what cards it falls with. If it fell for example between House and Ship, you could say it was a move :)

Hope that helps!
Sonethibg totally hit me with Stork....
If you had divorce cards (ex:tower -ring -coffin) and storks follow, it could mean this person was happy to me free, at last! Hee hee!


Bird + Scythe + Ring.


Bird + Scythe + Ring.

I guess birds as couple and also meabing worries. Then the ring is cut or broken by scythe. I see it!


I just read online that whip- scythe could show divorce. Hm. I see that more as an end to bickering. But in a GT with more cards to confirm (coffin, tower) that could be too.


for divorce the cards what I think that represent this are ;
Maybe I am wrong


for divorce the cards what I think that represent this are ;
Maybe I am wrong

These are also good thoughts. I can see the LEtter as the divorce petition. Tower for court. Yes, the Lennies are quite interesting laid out in the GT. Thank you for your input!