What tarot card do you identify with?


As a baby I am still finding my way but I relate most strongly to Strength, the Hermit, the Empress, the Lovers... and the King of Cups and the two of Cups. According to Mary K Greer's system my soul card is the Chariot so I've been paying attention to that one lately.... I definitely have an almost unnerving comfort in the face of change :D


As a baby I am also still finding my way, but from what I sense so far: adult internal self - Judgement; adult external self - Ace of Cups; child self - Two of Pentacles. Somewhere in there, also a generous pinch of Queen of Pentacles. (In general, do most people just identify with court cards and majors, not pips? Is an Ace odd to identify with?)


SloughSister - I love, love, LOVE the Ace of Swords, so you're not alone in liking an Ace! I also identify with the independent woman in the 9 of Pentacles. In the Court Cards, I identify with the Queen of Swords (she seems to be proving pretty popular here). I like different Majors in different decks, but these other 3 cards I always love no matter what the deck.


Topsy said:
SloughSister - I love, love, LOVE the Ace of Swords, so you're not alone in liking an Ace!

Oh, good. :)


I wonder if anyone is ace of pentacles. Or even ace of batons - I actually had that turn out quite too often when I read for one person, don't think I know anyone else who has ace as their main card - what I am sure, none of us will take liking in the ace of swords :p Even if it has some kick-ass art in some decks.



Queen of Cups and Queen of Swords are whom I identify most with, and often signify me in a reading.

However I always check out the Moon, High Priestess, Death and 9 of Pents, as these are the cards I like to be done well in a deck! :D


SloughSister said:
Um, er, ???
<smile> i think the repetition might mean she's really or mostly Queen of Cups. Me? I'm usually represented as QueenxCups and at other times as QueenxPents, then hounded by Strength card.


definitely the Hermit. Funnily, I had been drawn to this card before learning its meaning, I didn't know if I was drawn to it because there was something that was "calling" me or if it's just because it's been used by led Zeppelin and I like how they used it.
But in my tarot class I discovered that this card was linked to the Virgo, and I am Virgo...there you go.


The emperor is linked to Aries, but strength and the star are linked to my birth number. I just don't relate to major arcana as well as I do with my seven of swords