What Tarot Deck are you using now? 2014


I actually haven't had enough quiet space to enjoy personal readings yet, but when I do, it will be a combination of Sacred Circle, Bohemian Gothic and Touchstone. For others, it has been the Vic Romantic and the Radiant Rider Waite


still using Touchstone Tarot :)
I think ive found ''the one'' :)


Noblet, CBD, and test driving the Accademia die Tarocchi edition of the Conver ...



Ironwing and Greenwood :) They work amazingly well together.


I've reunited the Cosmic Tribe with its book so I'll spend some time with it.

But today I also picked up Robert Place's Vampire Tarot for cheap, so I may settle down with Dracula this weekend.


Bohemian Gothic Tarot 3rd Edition and Radiant Rider Waite to start the year.

For some professional readings, I am employing the use of Nusantara Tarot.

Wishing you all a lovely, lovely 2014!!!


I'm using the Sacred Rose at the moment - it's new to me and so interesting :)


I usually participate in the deck of the week thread, so I change it up a lot. I felt in need of a "comfort deck" this week, after a difficult holiday, so I'm snuggling with my Baroque Bohemian Cats this week.


Tarot of the Cat People