When the children don't care ...

The crowned one

Alta said:
Agreed. A couple of years ago I was on Vancouver Island and had to pass half a day in a little town near the airport.

That would be Sidney? Lots of good book stores there too.


The crowned one said:
That would be Sidney? Lots of good book stores there too.
Yes, that sounds right. Used book stores, amazing!


gregory said:
You know - it sometimes BOTHERS me that people get so upset because their kids don't share their interests. I mean- really, why should they ? We don't give birth to clones.

Oh absolutely. My daughter had a passing interest in Tarot, but no longer does. Our family has amazingly divergent interests.

More difficult though are things that are regarded as 'family heirlooms'. Rare books, antique furniture. Worst are handcrafted things. I don't know what I'm going to do with those, I don't have any storage space.


I suppose in a sense I am lucky that both my son and daughter are interested in tarot. Both of them are extremely gifted individuals. My son married into a family of gifted individuals. The wedding was rather interesting.. A mixture of Druid, Wiccan, and traditional. So I really have no worries about my tarot decks or crystals.. it is the other stuff I am not sure about. But since I am planning on eventually living in a RV I will whittle down my current possessions. I may need to do that to survive financially. :D

Le Fanu

euripides said:
More difficult though are things that are regarded as 'family heirlooms'. Rare books, antique furniture. Worst are handcrafted things. I don't know what I'm going to do with those, I don't have any storage space.
I'm trying to block this out of my mind, having seen the family (that is, three siblings) try and get a houseful of possessions, nay a life-full of possessions, sorted out a couple of years ago when my grandmother died.

All those treasured personal things that go in the bin simply because there isn't time to track down people who might be interested (bits of paper, old photos, letters, mementos). If it is a universal kind of thing; toasters, clocks, books, vintage purses, then they can go to the charity stores. But it took three people (who were not working) ages to sort the house out and off-load *stuff* ready to sell the house. Who has time for all this now?

It's terrible to think that all these things which we treasure will be just lumped together and tossed somewhere. If not in the bin, but a bookstore, when we know people here at AT who would love them. I've told my partner to check out my profile here and click on "Trading" if anything happens to me. But honestly, I cannot ever be really sure. I sometimes tell him how much certain decks I own have sold for on ebay.

Just to whet his appetite, like.

But I really do have a fantasy that the first AT member to get on a flight to Lisbon with lots of empty suitcases just keeps everything. I think he could organise that.


*checks airfare to Lisbon*

Recently, Gregory and I helped the widow of a tarot lover price a whole lot of decks for possible sale. It took a lot of work.

I just yesterday decided to slip a note in each tarot box listing the title, the year I got it, and what I paid if I can remember. I've been wrestling with a list and I'm afraid of spreadsheets so I'm going the low-tech way.

Le Fanu

Debra said:
Recently, Gregory and I helped the widow of a tarot lover price a whole lot of decks for possible sale. It took a lot of work.
I have some of these decks and it's wonderful when decks are kept in the (tarot) family as it were, with added sentimental attachment.


The crowned one said:
That would be Sidney? Lots of good book stores there too.
<darkly> Sydney is a *big* town, and last I looked, it wasn't in Vancouver!


Le Fanu said:
I have some of these decks and it's wonderful when decks are kept in the (tarot) family as it were, with added sentimental attachment.
That's why secondhand decks are such a find. And even better, the cache of decks your plumber (electrician? Can't remember now) found and gave for you.

If only there were some way of letting former owners, living or dead, know that their decks have a new life and are loved.


nisaba said:
<darkly> Sydney is a *big* town, and last I looked, it wasn't in Vancouver!
Try plugging Sydney, British Columbia, Canada into Google. It is quite small, and surprisingly for Vancouver Island, not that pretty.