Where Can I Get the "Tea Leaf Fortune Cards" by Rae Hepburn?


ah, Dan, you hit upon some things I didn't even think about with the publishing. But, tbh, even IF Rae was to have them printed on rectangular sized cards, I would still consider buying another set or two--just to keep on hand. :D One for me, most definitely and then perhaps I'd gift the other set to someone else I have in mind. I do love this deck so much!


And I LOVE that she incorporated the keywords onto the cards so elegantly! But 200 cards oh my!

celticnoodle, do you find much repeat in the card meanings? Someone said that was a problem for her, and I haven't explored them enough yet to know. I'm still just so thrilled just to HAVE them lol :D

danieljuk: no one was more surprised than I to discover we live in the same town. She said if I had any questions, just ask. I don't think she meant "come knocking on her door", though I admit I've imagined us sitting together over tea in her/ or MY kitchen and discussing a reading. O yesss....... *l*