Where do you perform your tarot readings?


When doing a reading for yourself or for someone from your home, where do you like to give them? Do you have a specific room dedicated to tarot/divination? For now I've been doing them on my bed in my dorm room since I don't have much of a choice ;)


table in dorm..


Someone else in my boat! :)

I'm fortunate enough to have a living room/kitchenette area in my dorm which has a table, but it's very cold... physically and emotionally! The kitchen area just isn't used by anyone in my suite so it's pretty desolate. I feel a lot more comfortable doing them on my bed or on my floor in the living area.


During the day, I will often do a reading on a cushion in my lap while sitting on the sofa.

I have also taken over one end of the dining table and arranged a spread cloth, a few crystals and a candle to create a sense of 'sacred' space. I do my daily readings there before I head to bed at night.


That sounds really nice! I should invest in some nice simple candles to create a better atmosphere for my readings.


I just read wherever I am. No bells and whistles or candles and smoke or anything fancy.


I have read on the floors of malls, beaches, overturned buckets, on the hood of a car and once on the chest of a friend who was kind enough to offer his services for a reading for another friend (again at the beach but when we had no towels) :)

Anywhere is good for me!


Wherever I feel the most comfortable. Since I do most of my readings online, It's in front of the computer. I had this cute little coffee table that was just the right size for any tarot readings. And I sow this pretty little tarot bed for the readings.


For me, it's usually on my room's floor just because that's where I'm most comfortable. Also: tables in nightclubs, the floor in a quiet spot in Border's, restaurants late at night, outdoors on the ground, outdoors on picnic tables, tables in tour buses, pretty much anywhere there's room to spread out the cards.

I'm not one to be given to elaborate ceremony for readings. I just have my sitter shuffle the cards and we go. The incense at home is incidental because I'm usually burning a stick of sandalwood at any given time.


If I'm reading for myself I'll normally use the top of my chest of drawers or my bed. I prefer the chest of drawers as I can set up candles etc. If I'm reading for someone else (I've only read for my college classmates so far) then I'll just use a table that's handy in a quiet corner.

For each of the situations I'll lay out the cloth I have that also wraps my tarot cards up so the positive energies don't escape.