Which deck are you carrying with you?

Mystic Nurse

So glad to know I'm not the only one to do this! Sometimes I only have my mini RWS deck. If I have a big bag with me (work sometimes) I'll also have the Gilded and Sometimes The Golden deck.

I'm looking for more mini decks!


Whenever I leave my cave for more than 24hrs it´s the Hermetic in it´s wonderful wooden box from the late 1800s.
More than 2 days and a large Thoth, Voyager and Initiatory GD join it.


Dark Grimoire and Gypsy Fortunes


Right now, in my bag, the Mini Secret Tarot. Just love this deck.


Always the old Mythic. If I know I'm going to be reading for sure, I'll throw in my Legacy of the Divine, Druidcraft, Robin Wood, or Revelations, but always, always the old Mythic, because it's like my Tarot Blankie.

It's surprising how often opportunities to read for others have popped up *because* I have my cards with me.


Boho Goth.



I decided to commit to a single deck for the first time in years, and it is the Legacy of the Divine which is currently going everywhere with me. I only used a pocket RWS for the first 15 years or so, so I am not unused to the idea of using only one deck, but that was before I had so many other beauties, so we shall see how it goes. :p


Tarot of the Magical Forest right now

Astraea Aurora

Hanson-Roberts in my purse (my most trusted friend) and Archeon in my backpack (but that's subject to change).

Astraea Aurora :grin:


As has been usual for yearss an' years, the Granny Jones Australian is in my handbag (ie, with me all the time), but currently in my workbag for doing public readings I'm carrying a RWS, the Liber T, the Thunder Bay Marseilles, the Wang/Regardie Golden Dawn, and the LS gold-stamped Visconti-Sforza.

Today, the GD proved to be very popular, and did well.