Which deck(s) will be your Samhain deck(s)?


I'm also awaiting the DOB Samhain deck. :heart: We're all going to have a good night aren't we! Or shall I say a good month! :)

Vampire Tarot by Robert Place, Tarot of the Witches, Deviant Moon & Zomibie Tarot will also be amongst my querent's options.

I'm eagerly awaiting the Wicked Sibyl too!! Melissa H's newest Lenormand is definitely going to get some work this year.

I can't forget how much I enjoy pulling out the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling cards.

I can see how the Wild Unknown would make a great choice for the season. I'll add it to my case too. Thanks for the suggestion!

Here's where I'll be reading:
There's a huge group of us renting out a giant beach house on the coast for a Halloween party weekend. I'm going to decorate my room into a gypsy reading den and do card readings. I think I'll be all set with the two newest additions: Samhain for tarot readings and Wicked Sibyl for Lenormand! I'll bring the rest just in case someone needs some Dracula or apocalyptic Zombie action! ;)

Look at us, it's still two months away! Love it!


For me, it'll probably be the Halloween; it usually is. It might be the Vargo. But, if you're talking specifically about Samhain, in the Pagan sense, rather than Halloween in the larger and popular sense, I might just stay with the Sacred Rose, which is my favorite for autumn in general. In other words, there's the macabre and the spooky, and the fun, on the one hand, and the mysterious on the other.


Either Mythic Goddess, Wild Unknown or Celtic Wisdom, depending which one becomes my deck of the month. If I can order a copy of the Dark Goddess in time...?


Samhain specifically? or just the fall season? Either way-

The most obvious choice for the entire season is the Samhain Deck of the Bastard.
The Bohemian Gothic is always within arms reach, but will be used during this time, as well as the All Hallows, Halloween, Dark Angels, Deviant Moon.

I don't have any Lenormand because I don't know what to do with it. Is it an oracle type? I love Dia de Los Muertos Lenormand and some others I've seen, but I never use my Oracles.

OH! Vargo's Gothic? I forgot all about that one! I used to love it.


the Samhain...

Yes, Disa, I bet the Samhain will be getting a lot of use. This talks about decks you'll be pulling out and even though not tarot, it just deserves a mention as ONE I will use. The Vintage German Lenormand by seven stars. The monochromatic look and aged looking backs just seem perfect for Samhain as well and I have been reading lenormand more and more.


I hope to eventually get my Samhain DOB, which will be my primary deck this season. There is always my much loved Day of the Dead Tarot , Bohemian Gothic and the Sacred Rose seems to be more like a seasonal deck all the time.

Edit to add Tarot of the Pagan Cats...there are some cards here. Most notably, the 8 of Wands, the Devil and the Death card.


I used to always pull out Joe Vargo's Gothic deck for Halloween. It seemed so perfect. But this year I want to do something else. I'm seriously thinking about going for the Gypsy Witch Fortune Telling cards. There's just something about them that screams Halloween. Maybe it's the picture of the witch on the back of the cards, along with the cauldron and the little back kitty. Or the way the box is black and orange. But it also has a really occult fortune teller-y kind of vibe. I find the deck a little spooky. Seems perfect for Halloween to me.


wow really interesting reading which decks!

I see some of the same mentioned quite a few times, and others, not so much. I enjoy reading what people feel like reaching for when Samhain is upon us. I think of Fall/Samhain a bit together, but I know for many here, Samhain doesn't fall around, well, Fall. But Samhain is Samhain, no matter what season you're in, so I find it especially interesting what decks people choose considering which season they will be in!


Here is my decks of choice for the Samhain season


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