Which decks for young children?


Hi Im looking to get possibly a Doreen Virtue deck for my 7yr old son and 4 year old daughter.

My boy is the perfect age I feel, I am wanting something boyish for him, if its at all girly I think it will turn him off but he does believe in fairies and wonders why the fairies dont bring him presents (my daughter has a fairy door. I think I need to get him one too!).

My 4 year old daughter might still be a little young for a deck of her own, what are your thoughts on this?

Could you please tell me also do your kids have their own decks and what do they have, how do they use their cards and do they like them? :)



I have three kids, aged 8, 10 and 15.

My fifteen year old daughter has the tarot of white cats and the winged enchantment oracle. I have a policy that they will only get a deck if they specifically ask for one and they choose the deck themselves. Obviously, I wouldn't want them to get a deck that was, in my opinion, inappropriate for them personally, but they seem pretty good at knowing what's a good fit.

My youngest child, my 8 year old daughter, has seen my druid animal oracle, and has said she wants one, but it was a passing comment, and she didn't appear to have put too much thought into it. At other times, if she's been in a bad mood, she's said my cards are 'dumb', lol! But I have taught her she doesn't have to like my cards, but she should have respect for other peoples' feelings and things they like.

Anyway... If my younger kids wanted a deck, I'd go with their interests, so my daughter would probably end up with a dragon/lizard or bird deck, and my son would end up with whatever was flavour of the month for him at the time! :D There's an Undertale deck both my youngest ones want, I'm happy to get it for them, as long as they look after it!

My eldest daughter has told me she finds the oracle much easier to read (don't we all :D), and she has had a go at the tarot, but I don't think she's particularly motivated to learn it 'properly' yet, not ever since she got her own oracle. Doreen Virtue is banned in this house, just a personal preference here :D

ana luisa

I agree with Gwynydd. So hard to say because it depends mostly on their tastes. And also, on what type of oracle you are looking for. The ones with just a picture, with a picture and a single word, with a small sentence, with an uplifting affirmation, etc...

Some good oracles to begin with:

And many of the animal oracles (check on this page and see what you think)

I know you're looking for an oracle but the Baseball Tarot is a gem for those who like the sport.

Seldes Katne

Several years ago I did tarot cards as a "Divination Class" for a Harry Potter program. I work in a public library, so we had children from a wide range of backgrounds, and although I knew the families involved were pretty open-minded, I wanted to avoid nudity and other possible issues with the pictures on the cards.

My choices were The Dragon Tarot, the Hanson-Roberts Tarot, and the Tarot of the Cat People. I had no complaints from parents, some of whom sat in on the class and readings afterwards.

Other decks I've seen but not used that might be suitable include The Wizard's Pets Tarot, The Wizards Tarot, and the Mystical Cats Tarot.

There is also a listing here at Aeclectic for Children's Decks.


This question does come up often here about which tarot deck or oracle deck is best for children. While the Hanson Roberts deck is a tarot deck and not an oracle, it is a favorite for children. http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/hanson-roberts/

As for oracles though, also keep in mind some Lenormand decks. They may actually be ideal for the young kids, as they only have 36 cards in them, (though some do have extra cards). Some of the Lenormand cards are very eye appealing for a child. The Dreaming Way Lenormand is one such deck that I think would be ideal. Even the coffin isn't scary because it is a picture of a girl in a sardine can, with the lid being either unscrewed or put screwed shut. You can see a few cards here: http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/dreaming-way-lenormand/

in fact, a friend of mine, who is a Lenormand reader, just purchased a fairie lenormand. While I don't know what each card looks like--it may be just the deck for your son! The cards I did see (via email) weren't too girly looking, so he may just enjoy it. I'll see what the name is and post it here again later--so you can google for the images and decide if it may be a good one for him.

And, while I do not have this deck, I have heard it is rather nice and the images of the deck shown here in A.T. seem to be another ideal oracle deck for kids of any age. It is the Ancient Animal Wisdom.

There is another deck about Power Animals that I have, and the name of it escapes me right now--but the deck shows images of animals on each card. It would also be nice for kids, I think.

As for the fairies oracles, be a bit wary of Froud's fairies as some of them are a bit frightful looking IMO for children, but there are plenty out there that your son may enjoy.

As for a gift from the fairies, that's really cute of him, and perhaps he should write a letter to the fairies like children do to Santa Claus asking for a gift--but keep in mind fairies are generally on the small size and can't bring heavy gifts, like Santa Claus does! Maybe a candy bar or small gift like a bag of marbles is more within their limits or a small mini deck of cards (many come in smaller sizes and aren't very expensive) or a lenormand, which you can also often find at a reasonable price. :D

I would also get a deck for your 4yr old. Just don't buy an expensive one and realize at both ages, the cards may indeed get lost, ripped or ruined. Don't fret if they do--but let the kids enjoy them. Or just buy a small deck of playing cards for your little girl and teach her some card games she can play with them before moving on to oracles or tarot. :)


Re: Frouds Fae
Each child is different. My child loved those cards.....but she also loved The Dark Crystal and Labrnyth. And she loved them when she was quite young.

First it's up to you to decide what is not appropriate.

Then decide on a price range.

Then I'd let your kids explore based on their interests.

For instance, I was ok with tasteful nudity waist-up. Until she was a little older. Still Not ok with decks with a sexy thing going on. Not even for me.

I can see the allure with Hanson Roberts for a deck for younger audiences. It's not only quite benign but it's a good beginners deck with enough symbolism to stimulate profound thoughts in developing minds.

I'm not familiar with most oracle decks, but the same rules would apply. And I think the smaller number of cards in most of them is a great thing for quite young.

We also used the Inner Child Cards, which are huge, and therefore hard to lose. Those are great because they have classic recognizable characters from children's stories.


no children here! but if you count in *childish* then there are some decks on my list!:))

agree all animals Tarot/Oracle are best!^^ beautiful and multi educational purpose!^^:))
also imo DV Fairy Tarot is best!:)) and be sure to check on their oracle as well
ascendent masters, goddess guidance, loving words from jesus, etc

and there are this cards for making your own story like Storyworld?!:)

and if we are talking cartoony, vote for Happy Tarot and there is many more fand doom and manga based like zelda or MLP?:) http://fav.me/d7y481w btw wish there is smurf tarot!^^lolz :))

and for oracle maybe Clow cards?:) they are big and affordable and durable?:) lolz and good for starting with oracle so maybe you can check that?:)

whatever you decide be sure your kid is included and ASK 4 IT! if not it will end up on pile of toytrash used only to collect dust!XD lolz

ana luisa

On a different vein, you can also go for the Rory Story cubes. They can be used as divination tools as well as story telling. And they're SO much fun !


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