Why repulsed by some crystals?


ok, so...I have a question. I want to know why we are repulsed by certain stones, and in love with others...right now I love tourmaline so much I could eat it! I have been playing with my multicoloured tourmaline beads all night, frequently sticking them between my lips.
I feel the same way about garnets.

But whenever I think of, oh, say, moldavite, or carnelian, or pearls, or rose quartz, I feel so incredibly repulsed.

What's with that? We have joked here and there on the threads of hating a stone and so knowing one required it - but is that true? Is it true that the crystal that turns you off most, is the one you most need? ;p I tend to think it is the opposite - that the one you need most is the one that makes you want to eat it! nom nom! lol...but I don't know.

So, what do y'all think...?


What's with that? We have joked here and there on the threads of hating a stone and so knowing one required it - but is that true? Is it true that the crystal that turns you off most, is the one you most need? ;p I tend to think it is the opposite - that the one you need most is the one that makes you want to eat it! nom nom! lol...but I don't know.

So, what do y'all think...?

nom, nom, nom! LOL I could eat tourmaline anytime day or night too! ;) I think it goes back to the vibrational issues the esteemed world-renowned scientist spoke of (ohhhh, maybe you can write this one down and ask her at your lunch!?)...our bodies (physical and etheric) and our spirits vibrate and respond to different frequencies at all times. The principal is the same in sound healing...the sound vibration has the ability to sync with our vibrations to bring healing. I have participated in a few Toning Groups (where people gather and make certain sounds in concert for healing intent), it is amazing how each tone can affect you and it is also said that every person has their own individual "crystalline tone" (a sound that naturally comes out of them in a resonant manner unlike the other tones). I think that crystals work the same way each of them has a vibration (even though we can't physically hear their tone or sound) that our systems respond to (as the scientist said). If our current vibration is higher or lower than the vibration of that crystal than our system might become overloaded or become "repulsed" by the vibration. Incidentally, to me, this is why I feel it is a good idea to do a chakra alignment with crystals and by other methods before embarking on the type of studies we have been doing.

I think for most people it is very hard to tell just on initial reaction whether or not that "repulsed" feeling means we need it or we don't need it. I think a lot of times the truth of that only becomes apparent by experimenting. For example, you said in another thread that you added your rose quartz to your pearls to see if anything changed but you still were not attracted to it.

I think all of us just let the stones tell us (in whatever way that works for us) when we should work with them and when we are in need of moving on to something else. I am also finding that once my system has become aligned with a crystal I don't necessarily have to have it with me or even near me for it to be a part of my experience. So it could be (using the same rose quartz example) that you have already aligned to that vibration and just don't need it around all the time. Or it could be in the instance of severe repulsion (like me and the obsidian man) that your system does not want or need to be aligned to that particular vibration at the present time.

I do think because of all this that it is always good to periodically "test" those crystals we originally didn't get along with for some reason to see if anything has changed. I know this does happen with crystals and with toning.


Wah. Good answer, WildChilde - that one will be hard for anyone else to top! I think you said a big, intelligent mouthful there...see, I was struggling with that whole "I hate it so I should get some" theory...I did buy a carnelian today - in tumblestone form, I can't wear it as jewellery, it would kill me. But the tumbler seemed ok, more red than orange, I can handle red :)

But, I parked it on my altar and have had no desire whatsoever to look at it or play with it. So I think what you said about the resonance/frequency of tone emitted by the crystal in question, is actually the answer to my question - that made really good sense - I don't think I need carnelian, I don't respond to the tone, but I will keep trying to connect with it...on and off...if it never resonates, so be it. I may just not need it.

I am enchanted with the idea that we all put out a particular tone :) how cooool! lol! I am trying to imagine how mine sounds :) my inner voice is giving me a clear, alto bell tone.

I have to find some courses/workshops like the ones you are taking! lol! They sound awesome!

Here is the thing, though: I am trying to collect as many different tumblestones as I can find for medicinal purposes - much like having, say, Benadryl in the cabinet in case I ever have a severe allergic reaction ;p and, the other night my husband cut himself, and actually asked me for a crystal to stop the bleeding! lol! When I looked at the list for that purpose, carnelian and chalcopyrite occupied the top of the list - mostly due to copper content, I think. I didn't have any. How upsetting! We had to make do with a copper bracelet, which seemed to indeed help stem the flow. But I think a good pharmacopea of stones to hand is a good idea - even if I never use them all...so, much as you said: have them, but you may never use certain ones - but to try from time to time...

Ok. So the "I hate it, hence I need it" theory is flawed. Buy the ones you want to "nom nom" to wear, and leave the rest in the pharmacy cabinet for the "break glass in case of" moments! lol...

oh and, Wild, I saw you mention this in another thread, and I think you are right: my tourmaline has a distinct feminine feel to it. :)


Good question and good answer :)

nom, nom, nom! LOL I could eat tourmaline anytime day or night too! ;)
I could eat pearls for breakfast like Cleopatra :D
And Emeralds for afternoon tea!

..our bodies (physical and etheric) and our spirits vibrate and respond to different frequencies at all times. The principal is the same in sound healing...the sound vibration has the ability to sync with our vibrations to bring healing. I have participated in a few Toning Groups (where people gather and make certain sounds in concert for healing intent), it is amazing how each tone can affect you and it is also said that every person has their own individual "crystalline tone" (a sound that naturally comes out of them in a resonant manner unlike the other tones).
I can totally relate to this! I play the cello in an orchestra and we "gather to make certain sounds",too! Tones affect you in a very deep level. Hearing is the first and the last of our senses in this world. Everything about hearing and listening is really fascinating and I do think there is something in the vibration of crystals and everything else for that matter.
I think all of us just let the stones tell us (in whatever way that works for us) when we should work with them and when we are in need of moving on to something else. I am also finding that once my system has become aligned with a crystal I don't necessarily have to have it with me or even near me for it to be a part of my experience.
I have always loved hematite and I have a nice shiny pendant but I just can´t make myself wear it. I need to have it in my altar space though. I feel it protects it. Hematite was one of the first crystals I became aware of in my early teens and I do think it is true that I´ve just had enough of it. I don´t need it near me (touching my skin) anymore because my system already has it, sort of.


That is a very interesting theory, WildChilde and Hemera, about having already absorbed the required dose, and not needing it anymore. I never thought about it that way...I did once work in an India Shop in the UK, and much of the jewellery there was made of Carnelian, so maybe I handled enough of it, and absorbed as much of its energies, as I ever required! lol...

lol@ Hemera eating "pearls for breakfast, like Cleopatra" :) AND emeralds for tea! As Cleopatra apparently began the first real emerald mines, perhaps you are her reincarnation! lol! :) But yes, isn't the idea of actually eating them interesting? To me that suggests a *huge* need for them.

I know you are an Aquarian, and I have an aquaintance who is as well, and her faves are also pearls - she wears them all the time... :)

An interesting thing about Haemetite - I also wore a great deal of it when younger, and used a massive chunk to impart invulnerability through my divorce. The judge was very anti-"wife" and my lawyer told me we were doomed to failure as judge always sided with husband.

He (the judge) tore my husband verbally into shreds, and gave me all the rights in the divorce. He even prevented my husband from ever contacting me again, unless husband came back to said judge and proved he had reformed...lol! So, my Haemetite indeed gave me invulnerability - and I never needed any again, never touched another piece of it - it must have been so powerful, that it loaded my cells forevs! Ha! ;)

ETA: the more I think about tone, the more I want a Himalayan crystal tone bowl lol! Also, I truly am fascinated with the "eat them!" crystal thing. I mean, it is interesting to consider the desire of eating a mineral like that - perhaps it is more than a love thing for the crystal, and is more about lacking something in the body's make up? Like craving a certain food, because you are lacking in the vitamins it has...?


ok...so I looked up the mineral composition of tourmaline http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourmaline to discover why I need it so badly :) turns out is is rich in potassium (as well as aluminium, as many of my faves are - ie Alexandrite and garnets) and iron, magnesium, sodium, and, oh my, lithium! lol! Must be the lithium, I do suffer mildly from depression from time to time. ;)

I know lithium was an aspect discussed by WildChilde and DownwardSpiral in another crystal study thread, and they were wondering if one could suffer from withdrawal after using lithium-rich crystals. Interesting...

I also suffer mildly from anemia, and so wonder if it is the iron-rich nature of the crystal that attracts me as well.

I find it fascinating too that all my faves are heavy in aluminium, as I cannot see why I would want that! ;p doesn't it case Alzheimer's....? that would certainly explain why I cannot seem to remember anyone's name! lol!

In any case, it is worth speculating *why* we are attracted to/repulsed by certain stones - is it a tone thing? Is it a physical craving for mineral we lack? Is it an aesthetic thing? Is it a metaphysical need? I HAS to know! lol...


Great thread!

I too have wondered why certain stones are so yummy to me (mmmm Tourmaline, smokey quartz and Citrines!) while others...which can be made of the EXACT SAME STUFF... I can't have anywhere near me...(Amethyst, I am callin' you out!)

My repulsion to amethyst is so great that the few I do have are locked in a little storage container.

And I too have heard the whole idea that what you hate is what you need...someone once said that amethyst is for healthy egos, and that I didn't love myself enough, therefore I didn't like it's energy...and I was like...What are you talking about?
That really doesn't make any sense to me.

But I do know that there are other things (hematite, moldivite and rhodichrosite) that I also used to be repulsed by years ago, but now I enjoy (in small amounts, but still)

I am thinking it's a vibration thing. We have a certain melody within us at any given time, and some stones sing the notes that are in harmony with that song, while others do not.

And when our vibrations go to higher levels, and the song changes, we find we can tolerate (or can not tolerate) different things because of the vibrational changes within us.

I have no idea if what I wrote makes any sense. But I really still can't stand amethyst. and ametrine? Forget it!

edit...oh yes...Wild..you pretty much said the dame thing about the vibrations! I like how you put it!


Great thread!

I too have wondered why certain stones are so yummy to me (mmmm Tourmaline, smokey quartz and Citrines!) while others...which can be made of the EXACT SAME STUFF... I can't have anywhere near me...(Amethyst, I am callin' you out!)

Hahaha! I am the same way - love, love love the same stones as you do - and though I used to mildly enjoy amethyst, I find it quite - distasteful now. :( I also find Super Seven hard to wear - and mildly repellant to me - even though I am very attracted to its several components. Maybe due to the amethyst part?

And I too have heard the whole idea that what you hate is what you need...someone once said that amethyst is for healthy egos, and that I didn't love myself enough, therefore I didn't like it's energy...and I was like...What are you talking about?
That really doesn't make any sense to me.

I know what you mean - I was chatting with a crystal healer last week in ________, who told me that I hated rose quartz or other pink stones because I hated myself! Oh my! lol! I laughed, and laughed, and laughed...I have a pretty healthy understanding of who I am and what I love about myself, and I do accept myself holistically...I don't think I will ever be going to talk to that particular healer again.

But I do know that there are other things (hematite, moldivite and rhodichrosite) that I also used to be repulsed by years ago, but now I enjoy (in small amounts, but still)

True - there are stones I never thought to enjoy or even knew about, that I now do, like black sapphire and diopside... ;) maybe it has to do with maturity, change and either tonal change or cellular requirements...one thing I am for sure understanding now, though, is that the crystals resonate and align with the cells of the body....interesting! When you think a computer requires crystal to actually function, it is no surprise that our rather computer-like bodies/brains might need them, too. ;)


Hemera said:
I can totally relate to this! I play the cello in an orchestra and we "gather to make certain sounds",too! Tones affect you in a very deep level. Hearing is the first and the last of our senses in this world. Everything about hearing and listening is really fascinating and I do think there is something in the vibration of crystals and everything else for that matter.

This is a very powerful statement!! Hearing being the first and last of our senses gives me goosebumps as it is soooo true. It brings to mind: calling down the moon, singing to babies in the womb, healing songs of all manner and kind, death chants, funeral singers, and the vibrational understanding that "deaf" people have that us "hearing" folk often remain completely unaware of in our daily lives. WOW! Your words have a vibration/resonance for me, Hemera, straight off the page!

I too have wondered why certain stones are so yummy to me (mmmm Tourmaline, smokey quartz and Citrines!) while others...which can be made of the EXACT SAME STUFF... I can't have anywhere near me...(Amethyst, I am callin' you out!) My repulsion to amethyst is so great that the few I do have are locked in a little storage container.

And I too have heard the whole idea that what you hate is what you need...someone once said that amethyst is for healthy egos, and that I didn't love myself enough, therefore I didn't like it's energy...and I was like...What are you talking about?
That really doesn't make any sense to me.

hehehe...amethyst is my "go to" stone, I hope that doesn't mean you become repulsed by me!!!! ;) But on a serious note, this might also explain why sometimes we meet people and we just don't like their "energy"...they resonate to a different vibration than we do and we just don't "mesh". Sometimes we find a way to harmonize our different vibrations, and other times we don't. And sometimes the discord is so great that it is a "warning system" to stay away!

I don't know why anyone would say to anyone else you don't like a certain crystal because you "don't love yourself enough" WTH?!!! That is just crazy talk and shows how ignorant people can be. And the fact that you can see through that only proves that their theory is false because it is only when we do not value or love ourselves "enough" that we allow other people to dictate to us our own nature.

I am thinking it's a vibration thing. We have a certain melody within us at any given time, and some stones sing the notes that are in harmony with that song, while others do not.

And when our vibrations go to higher levels, and the song changes, we find we can tolerate (or can not tolerate) different things because of the vibrational changes within us.

I think you said this exactly right and much more succinctly than I could have!! I especially like the first part discussing the "any given time" issue. Our chakras spin and vibrate at different rates at all times. what might be harmonious to us one day, may not resonate with us the next.


HA! I don't remember saying that about tourmaline, but I would not doubt that I did! hehe :) Most of the time I only consider the masculine/feminine issue in regard to the shape/intent of the stone. However, I do believe that some stones are better suited for either sex in the pharmacology aspect...such as Moonstone being more suited for feminine issues and obsidian being a testosterone builder etc.

Oops! I looked back at the black tourmaline thread - it was MissBee who said it - about Tourmaline having a very feminine energy. My apologies to both of you, I should have done my research first! ;)

I know what you mean about the "stones for sexes" thing - when choosing good crystals for a hyper-testo male like both my husband and a neighbor, black was the intuitive choice - root chakra...lol!