Will I be happy in Arizona?


I did a one card spread + two clarifiers about whether I'll be happy in Arizona (since I'm moving). I pulled:

10 of pentacles: security and happiness in all forms. I get what I give. A happy beginning. Succees, individuality, comfort, prosperity and permanence.

3 of wands: achievement and long term success. Take a chance, accept change, dream big and visualize good things coming my way. Take a leap of faith. I'm headed in the right direction.

8 of swords: I'm confused and anxious. Fear is holding me back from seeing the magnificent castle behind me. My fear of not finding happiness is all in the blindfold, bonds and swords that surround me. It's in my power to escape from this. It doesn't represent what I'll actually find.



It seems to me that the 8S is representing your fears, while the other two cards are representing your hopes.

I'm not really sure what you were trying to clarify. You managed with the first card quite alright.


Asking this question may be a tougher one to answer, since the future is still yours to make.

I see 10 of pents as finding a good home. A comfortable place.

3 of wands is waiting on events--seeing what will come. In my deck of choice (the WorldTree Tarot) you have a choice: stay where you ARE or jump into new adventure.)

8 of swords maybe to let go of expectations of what you are SUPPOSED to find. Or what you think you are SUPPOSED to do in moving (or deciding NOT to move.) Let go of all of it and just see what happens!

Good luck.



I see it as being in a rut or stuck in a vicious cycle of no growth or expansion towards your vision of the 10P and 3W, is this why you're moving to get out of a rut? do you see this as a way out? I'm just curious


AnemoneRosie, I think you may be right. So if just based off the 10 of pentacles, I will be more than happy and successful.


Ace, I agree with the 10 of pentacles. I believe it means physical and emotional security. I agree with the 3 of wands, and perhaps there are 3 choices. I can only see what I've reaped when I've actually sowed. Taking a chance. I agree with the 8 of swords, I think it's all about feeling trapped and helpless and "seeing" evils that may not be there. I think all in all, I need to take a leap of faith, especially with the 10 of pentacles looking very promising. Thank you.


Headinacloud, yes, my rut I feel is where I currently live. I feel where I am now gives me no growth and no happiness.


Headinacloud, yes, my rut I feel is where I currently live. I feel where I am now gives me no growth and no happiness.

The cards are promising the end of the cycle because you pulled the 10P first, you're taking a positive steps towards embracing your vision of happiness and security.


Headinacloud, ok, so the crash and burn of where I am in this cycle will end and I'll be happy and successful in Arizona. Thank you.