Yes or No Question Readings


My card is red

If there's a delay that means I won't get to finish this quarter out, I'll have to wait until next quarter

Ahh man I hope things go smoothly for you!! X


Thank you!

I do have sore throat, and it's not really clearing up. In fact, I got it this morning :(

He should like the present. I bought it from his favourite shop and he's very interested in that type of stuff. He should be delighted :)

I have a sore throats and a poorly belly as well! :'( I hope he likes the present


the deck is telling me you live in a two bedroom house my instincts in a flat,
(I'm ill I could be wonky)

I think you'll be seeing M tomorrow or intend to!

I didnt end up seeing M today but I did intend to


1. Unfortanately my brother was assaulted. His car was stolen, money and was beat up.
Your intuition was correct. He is fine.
2. I'll let you know. Thank you!!!

Sorry about your brother :'( that sounds awful I hope he's well.



I think that is indeed your cats name

And no I don't feel it is I think there's better out there

Nope to the first, my cats names are Oscar and Charlotte :)

As for the 2nd I tend to agree that there is better out there!