Your longest break from Tarot?


I was wondering what was your longest break from tarot and why?

Four or five years.

Why? I was in a relationship. For the first few years my partner liked it. Then tolerated it. Then told me I was evil and my Tarot decks (not her addiction) was the reason she was messed-up. So I wrapped them all up, packed them away and stopped reading publicly until I was alone again. It was better than giving her an excuse for even more screaming-matches, and the possibility of having decks stolen and destroyed when they were around the house. :)

Le Fanu

Interestingly, also in my 20s. More or less 10 years. Too busy living. Tarot perhaps too introspective at that time for me (good when you're a teenager and also when you're older). But I was traveling and exploring and studying and all kinds if things. It's good to have a break and reconnect when you're a little wiser.


I had my first deck, the 1JJ Swiss when I was around 15 by 16,(1980'ish) it and the companion book were shut away in a drawer and never touched again. I left school, starting working and got married. I always knew where the deck and book were and took them with me when I got married and moved house at 19.

Fast forward to 2001 and there was a TV programme that featured tarot and I found my old deck out and still couldn't relate to it so went and bought the so called Original RWS from WH Smiths and joined this forum, in 2002 the forum got hacked so I rejoined properly with this username. So it was around 20 years for me too and I've come to realise that tarot is a lifelong study and something that I do just for myself, and I don't mind that at all. :)


My first deck was a RWS from WH Smiths as well Emily! :) I also bought a fortune telling "kit" from them, they had a great aeclectic section then! They wouldn't sell them to me because I was not 16! :D A parent had to get them!

I think you are so right Le Fanu about the 20's and you don't really get into yourself deeply! it's just about living! Then you start to get more wise and want to find out your deep self!

Glass Owl

My break was around 7 or 8 years. It was pretty much during the time I was with ex who was intolerant of anything he believed went against his religious beliefs.


My break was about six months. I was temporarily living with my daughter and son-in-law, and there was no private place to spread out cards. I am in my own place now, and read a lot.


Years here and there when I was doing other things, most recently some of the last seven or so years after I had an accident which gave me some brain damage and other physical problems. I simply felt shutdown energetically and that that was desirable in order to get better, and now it feels like time to look at them to let a little intuition start up again. So far it's been very good for that this past month or so since I've been on this forum, so much so that I am now doing readings here and for pay elsewhere. I hadn't done those since maybe 2006 or 2007 I think--I think things go in cycles. I used to have only my first deck (still have it, from about 1984ish), and yet now I have a good few more that I actively use, especially in reading for others, whereas in the past I was very limited to one and had different ideas of tarot.


for however long it takes me to sleep each night.

For a few years I was sad that I hadn't discovered tarot at a much younger age, but now I realize, I found it when I needed it, and when I was old enough to take the time to immerse. I seldom use it for readings in the classic sense, but each day my time with my cards is ultra special. Can't conceive of walking away from my decks for any period of time at all. One of the joys of not being in my before-mid-life I guess.


Two weeks, but I've only been doing it a few months.


I had a break lasting for about 4 years actually. There was just so much happening in my early 20's that I had no energy for tarot and other spiritual interests. I did the occasional tarot reading, maybe once every three months, but otherwise let my decks rest.