Your most memorable tarot cards


The Sun from Daughters of the Moon. Such vivid, glorious colors! When I see this card I just feel so much joy I want to dance.
The Ancestor (#5) from Wildwood. Haunting, powerful, ancient. This card is the reason I got the deck. Wish I could have it as a poster.
Death from Ansata. Too eerie for words. I've never seen any other Death card that comes close to this.


The high priestess from the Gilded tarot.

This card really hit me when I first bought the deck back in the day- and still does every time it comes up. There have been others- but that was really the first- which is why it is so special to me.



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Oddly enough, two of my favorite images ever come from the Druidcraft, and it's not even one of my favorite decks! But the Star card from DC is the first Tarot card that ever made me cry. It appeared when I most needed to see it, and it's so visually stunning. I knew that hope had come, and I knew that Tarot was going to be a big thing in my life.

The other Druidcraft card I love is Death. My favorite Death card ever.

Moe Shinola

These are my most memorable cards:

La Lune, from the Oswald Wirth deck. All the trumps in the deck are beautiful, but especially this one. You kinda have to tilt the card forward and away from you in the light to see the flashing colors provided by the gold background.

Death, from the Medieval Scapini deck. Instead of a scythe, he holds someone's spine, as he dances like Kali from the Hindu pantheon. Below him are severed heads, including an artist self-portrait.

Ace of Cups, from the Rider-Waite deck. When the booklet pointed out to me that the dove is carrying a Host, this card took on a whole new meaning for me, as an image of Divine grace. it's very touching for me to look at this card.


My choices seem so pedestrian compared with some of yours; but I have my reasons, all esthetic.

Morgan Greer 3 of Cups: those gals just lean right out of the card at me and invite me to the feast. And each one is very different.

Hanson Roberts Star: the most beautiful Star in my collection. She takes my breath away.

Housewives Page of Swords: aaaay! :heart:

OOOPPSSS!!! I meant KNIGHT of Swords... *BLUSH*