Zodiac-type spread



I'm asking about the general emotional state of myself as of this second.

1- What needs to be worked on-ACE OF WANDS

I need to start making new beginning or new changes in life.

2- What needs to be let go-3 WANDS

Fleeting impressions of people/things and imprudence.

3- What I long for-WORLD

I want "the world" basically?

4- What I fear most. 7 PENTACLES

Mistakes, rejection and failure in all aspects of my life.

5- Environmental influences (positive)-WHEEL OF FORTUNE

The wheel is constantly spinning so when things are bad they're eventually going to spin back around to being good.

6- Environmental influences (negative)-4 CUPS

Discontent and unhappiness with situations/people right now.

7- How all of these aspects affect inner world-3 CUPS

It might be affecting me from having success and pleasure.

8- How all of these aspects affect outer world-7 WANDS

There is some type of negative pressure building up from an external source.