A few spreads for exchanges


Hi! Me please! Number 3!

**Chai** (Your soul is yearning for Healing connections): Your lesson right now is to start looking and establishing meaningful connections with others. Create a safe and comfortable space where you can meet with your friends and just talk about life. You need to make time for those who need your attention and just connection overall. Plus they are healing for you as well.

**Waning Moon** (release old habits and patters): Your spirituality growth can have its breakthrough through release of old habits. Look and analyze your current experiences and pinpoint which habits and/or patterns that you had stuck to that held you back. Now is the time to let all of it go. They are hindering you from becoming more in tune with yourself and the Divine.

**Crystals** (You are a natural healer, You hold all the wisdom): Perhaps you've gone through a traumatic event or you've just been feeling down for awhile. You feel as if you are having a difficult time coming back from your setbacks. Almost as if you have lost the confidence in healing yourself. You always have that strength to heal and move on from all pain and hurt. Even though it is your biggest challenge, you still have that ability to heal yourself.

**Buddha** (Be mindful, be de-attached, be compassionate): Taking all of the cards into consideration, you are headed in a good direction. You are on a path of spiritual awakening and eventual enlightenment. Pay attention to your relationships, make sure you nurture the ones important to you and release those that no longer serve you. Spiritual awakening is not an easy process, it requires replacing habits and patterns that hold you back from achieving the Divine wisdom (it took 6 years for Buddha to achieve enlightenment!). Keep at it and don't quit!


Thank you. This seems to be pretty straightforward and I guess those projects are my personal ones and not the commercial ones...

Show Me The Money (Pick one card for each position and one base card)

Position 1: In what area or activity does my money (prosperity) lie.


So the area or activity where your prosperity lies is within the wedding industry. The 4 of wands is a wedding/marriage/party card, event planning or wedding planning, wedding photography, wedding vending, etc. Something that merges two groups together to celebrate and party and have fun.

Position 2: What do I need to do to access my money (prosperity).


You know this card well and funny you got it too, but this card in other decks is also a manager/marketing person. Someone who takes action by the reigns and goes full force. Charges ahead and understand her role full-frontal.

Position 3: What do I need to know to keep money (prosperity) in my life.


What you need to know is that money and success doesn't last. Just because you had a 15 minutes of fame, or overnight success.. it doesn't mean that momentum will last. You have to capitalize that (the Kardashians are a great example of this capitalization...).. be wary of starting projects and never finishing them and having too much energy and rushing into things... capitalize and patience are two key words here.

This is also a sexual card and it refers to creation as well. Energy and after seeing everything else maybe a marketing/research/outreach position in solar energy?

BASE CARD: The knowing card. this is the card at the bottom of the deck once the spread has been laid out. It represents something in relation to MONEY which the seeker is aware of-possibly their attitude to money, or current financial status.


Another patient card. I kind feel like you want things to happen NOW! but this is a card of communication, science and research. Perhaps your area or study or research but this methodical and analytical route will get you there. A literal card from going from point A to B (6 of swords has a ship on it sailing from A to B).

Hope this resonates and sorry for the slight delay.

4 of Wands as a career area doesn't resonate with me. I'm not involved at all with photography or anything that has to do with weddings. There is almost no exposure to this field whatsoever.
I can definitely relate to Queen of Wands, Ace of Wands, and 6 of Swords. When I find something very interesting, I go full force at it for a few days and then my interest in it dies. Like a flame going out all of the sudden. Patience is not a strength of mine and its so important in order to get a business started. And I want everything and I want it NOW! haha. Research is interesting especially once you find that little detail you were looking forward to. Definitely good cards to keep in mind!


**Chai** (Your soul is yearning for Healing connections): Your lesson right now is to start looking and establishing meaningful connections with others. Create a safe and comfortable space where you can meet with your friends and just talk about life. You need to make time for those who need your attention and just connection overall. Plus they are healing for you as well.

**Waning Moon** (release old habits and patters): Your spirituality growth can have its breakthrough through release of old habits. Look and analyze your current experiences and pinpoint which habits and/or patterns that you had stuck to that held you back. Now is the time to let all of it go. They are hindering you from becoming more in tune with yourself and the Divine.

**Crystals** (You are a natural healer, You hold all the wisdom): Perhaps you've gone through a traumatic event or you've just been feeling down for awhile. You feel as if you are having a difficult time coming back from your setbacks. Almost as if you have lost the confidence in healing yourself. You always have that strength to heal and move on from all pain and hurt. Even though it is your biggest challenge, you still have that ability to heal yourself.

**Buddha** (Be mindful, be de-attached, be compassionate): Taking all of the cards into consideration, you are headed in a good direction. You are on a path of spiritual awakening and eventual enlightenment. Pay attention to your relationships, make sure you nurture the ones important to you and release those that no longer serve you. Spiritual awakening is not an easy process, it requires replacing habits and patterns that hold you back from achieving the Divine wisdom (it took 6 years for Buddha to achieve enlightenment!). Keep at it and don't quit!

This really resonates with me.. thanks! It's really good timing to have read this today! Yes I am yearning for comfortable and meaningful relationships right now. Yes I do need to release some habits for my spiritual clarity and I am releasing them en masse just now! Yes, I have had a difficult time, in the last few months and actually in the last few years overall. But I am also this healer and I'm regenerating. Finally what I see as the highest goal of my life is to attain the highest level of spiritual development as possible and to connect with the divine beloved. So it was very warming to read what you've written here. Thank you!

I'm using Rider Waite

Dharma Spread (Spiritual Life Lessons)

Jumpers: 6 pentacles, queen wands

What is my lesson right now? 8 swords. You know what you could be doing to develop your communication with spirit if you wanted to, but you're not really prepared to do that. I feel that this woman standing in a puddle of water indicates cold feet -- a little bit of fear about what would be involved and what you would have to let go of. You're not really willing but that's fine as long as you have no inner conflict between your desires and your actions..? Your lesson is to get clear about what you want, be honest with yourself about what you're willing to do to work towards that, and to let go of any other negative self-talk or guilt.

How can I grow spirituality at this time? 2 wands. You should look further afield to where you're looking.. up out of books and into life.. into other cultures.. overseas..

What's my biggest challenge at this time? 3 swords. Either health or emotional stress.

Where am I headed? 5 of pentacles. It's like you're very close to the 'church' / centre of spiritual awareness, but you're just missing it. It's going to be right here for when you take more time in your life for meditation and searching. Until then you won't realise how close you are and how just a few adjustments in the 'direction' you're looking could yield huge benefits in your spiritual life. But relating back to the first card, there's no "should" about it.. when you're ready you'll have the desire and the ability to find what you look for.


This really resonates with me.. thanks! It's really good timing to have read this today! Yes I am yearning for comfortable and meaningful relationships right now. Yes I do need to release some habits for my spiritual clarity and I am releasing them en masse just now! Yes, I have had a difficult time, in the last few months and actually in the last few years overall. But I am also this healer and I'm regenerating. Finally what I see as the highest goal of my life is to attain the highest level of spiritual development as possible and to connect with the divine beloved. So it was very warming to read what you've written here. Thank you!

I'm using Rider Waite

Dharma Spread (Spiritual Life Lessons)

Jumpers: 6 pentacles, queen wands

What is my lesson right now? 8 swords. You know what you could be doing to develop your communication with spirit if you wanted to, but you're not really prepared to do that. I feel that this woman standing in a puddle of water indicates cold feet -- a little bit of fear about what would be involved and what you would have to let go of. You're not really willing but that's fine as long as you have no inner conflict between your desires and your actions..? Your lesson is to get clear about what you want, be honest with yourself about what you're willing to do to work towards that, and to let go of any other negative self-talk or guilt.

How can I grow spirituality at this time? 2 wands. You should look further afield to where you're looking.. up out of books and into life.. into other cultures.. overseas..

What's my biggest challenge at this time? 3 swords. Either health or emotional stress.

Where am I headed? 5 of pentacles. It's like you're very close to the 'church' / centre of spiritual awareness, but you're just missing it. It's going to be right here for when you take more time in your life for meditation and searching. Until then you won't realise how close you are and how just a few adjustments in the 'direction' you're looking could yield huge benefits in your spiritual life. But relating back to the first card, there's no "should" about it.. when you're ready you'll have the desire and the ability to find what you look for.

Hey lighthouse,

I was pondering on your reading.
I'm not the type of person who lets go of things easily. Even if I know what I want, getting there is a pure nightmare for me. And there is a lot of negative self-talk, like a lot of it. I want to let go because I want to be able to accomplish my goals but I just don't know how.
Going abroad would be great except I don't have any good work experience so I don't know how that would turn out. What I want to do is venture into a new career field (establish a business). Again don't know have any concrete ideas yet so hopefully once I find that spiritual connection, I'll be able to get there.
You hit the nail on the head with last card. I may not be ready for that big step even though its so close and I know its near, but I just don't feel ready. Thank you so much for the read!
It came at a very opportune time.