A sad question.

Roses are red

Hi All,

I am new to Lenormand. I usually do Rider deck. But when for reasons, I like to learn the leormand deck.

So I asked the cards "whether I will be married by 35"? I am 33 now.
I have a so called bf, but he cant makeup his mind, if he wants me asa wife ...
So, I am out and about, being free of him. I have no trouble being alone, but as I grow older I learned I do enjoy the company of life minded individuals.

I drew:
The owls (12) - since this cards symbolizes 2 elderly women, and I live with my mom and uncle, is is safe to conclude off the bat that I will grow old unmarried with my mother :(

Paths (22)- they indicate, ways out or different paths to take. Well I have eliminated the bf. He has no problem waiting ... till his 40. I do try to make new friends, wish the process went faster.

Ship (3)- I am not sure what to make to this card? Maybe it saying it will be awhile till I get married :( or I am going to make boat louds of money?

If someone out there cares to lend me a helping hand I really appreaciate it.
Thank you.


Hi! I would like to help a little but Lenormand is not the best when I interpret lol

First off, The Owls, does not say you will grow old unmarried lol. Sometimes it's called the couples card (2 people). It also means verbal communication and having a back and forth conversation.. other times it means being nervous or rumors spreading around.

The Crossroad.. eh, it does mean trying to make a choice in your life, to see which direction you should take... or separation.. but I think I want to go with choices.

Ship usually means traveling or being far away from someone, so it can mean physical distance if you and the other person live far away. Or distance that may involve not really being close.

Other than that.. I can't really think of anything else, but may be now you can figure out what the cards are saying?

Roses are red

thanx Peoplewillbeyou,

Thanx for having a stab at it, it is giving me trouble as well.
I thought I read the owls were females? not just companionship. Anyone know for sure?


It can be female or male.. any two people. :) That's what I learned, but I do hope someone else helps you with this.


I read the Birds/Owls as a couple and conversations, not two elderly women (I never heard of that?).

Anyways, I think that your reading is talking about your current relationship - not far off future and possible marriage. It looks like you and your boyfriend will talk about a decision and what to do next in your life (Birds + Crossroad) - but it could also speak of going your separate ways - and that there will be a decision to leave/take action/move on from whatever you decide (Crossroad + Ship). All in all, the cards seem to indicate that a decision will be made regarding your relationship in the near future and action will be taken. I'm not sure if Lenormand will read that far off in the future anyways, I know at least that my cards won't. It will read the present and near future (like up to 2-3 months). I wish you the best of luck :)

Roses are red

Thank you GoddessGracies,

In my lenormand booklet it said that the owls are 2 women. So I thought its me and my mom growing old together, thank you for clearing that up :)
I like your inout it is making sense of the cards and makes it more easy to grasp.