Astrological glyphs on the cards


Ever noticed how many of the glyphs on the cards are drawn differently? Take, for instance, the Saturn glyph on the 3 of Swords, 5 of Wands, 7 of Disks, 8 of Cups and 10 of Wands. There are slight differences between all 5 renditions. The glyph on the 8 of Cups is by far the most heavily altered glyph, not to mention the fact that Saturn is traditionally depicted by a cross and a half circle. There isn't a single one that portrays the cross (matter) over the half circle (mind) - matter ascendant over mind.

I find this quite odd as I imagine Crowley was very much aware of the elements that compose these glyphs.

The Moon glyph features certain peculiarities as well, with regards to orientation and size (7 of swords vs 2 of Swords, 6 of Disks and 4 of Cups) and representation/position (9 of wands - at first glance I thought it was Sun in Sagittarius). Capricorn and Virgo are also rendered differently, etc.

All these things may not mean much... but if I where to create my Magnum Opus I would certainly regard every conceivable detail with a great deal of interest

Any thoughts on the matter? I appologise if this issue has been addressed before, as I have not yet fully mastered that wondrous apparatus called the forum search engine.



mmm... i know that snuffin in "the thoth companion" explains why some glyphs are depicted in determined colors and stuff... don't know if it helps you :)


mmm... i know that snuffin in "the thoth companion" explains why some glyphs are depicted in determined colors and stuff... don't know if it helps you :)

Thank you kosmonauta. I shall have to look into it once I get a copy of the book.


A little off topic, but what about the titles given on the USG version?
How the Elements/Letters are frequently reversed depending on the card?


A little off topic, but what about the titles given on the USG version?
How the Elements/Letters are frequently reversed depending on the card?

Hmm... I can't say much about that. I guess it's really up to the printing company to decide on how to frame the cards. You could try asking them. :)


A little off topic, but what about the titles given on the USG version?
How the Elements/Letters are frequently reversed depending on the card?

Could you please give an example of this? TIA!



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I don't know about the original glyphs, although it seems like a simple oversight to me. The printed symbols, however, are more of a US Games inaccuracy, rather than something that originated with the deck's creators.


I don't know about the original glyphs, although it seems like a simple oversight to me. The printed symbols, however, are more of a US Games inaccuracy, rather than something that originated with the deck's creators.

I cannot fathom it to be a simple oversight. I feel it in my pinky bone.


Check the b/w photos of the cards in the back of the Book of Thoth. Those were printed from the original paintings, and will show what Harris painted in the borders.