Celtic Wisdom Deck-Does Anybody Use It?


I have a Celtic Wisdom Deck, but really haven't used it much as I find it difficult to warm up to. It is a most beautiful deck. I would really like any help you could give on this. It's a shame to have it and not use it.
My usual decks are the Robin Woods and Hanson-Roberts.


I think the artwork on this deck is absolutely gorgeous and I would love to use it. Unfortunately, I can't make any sense at all out of the book. The divinatory meanings don't match the stories chosen for the cards, and sometimes neither matches the picture on the card. It's a shame, because I love the artwork. I think it needed better conceptualization.

-- Lee


EXACTLY my feelings Lee. That's why I wanted to know if anybody actually uses the deck and how. The artwork is fabulous, no doubt. Are there other books out there that can explain it other than the one by Caitlin Matthews? I know she's the artist and should be able to explain it. After all, it is her vision, but her book is confusing. Each card to me at least stands on its own without relating to the previous or the next one. I think that is part of the problem. When I can see a relationship from one card to another it is a lovely thing. Unfortunately, I can do so in the Major Arcana, but NOT the Minor Arcana.

So anybody out there who can help, please weigh in with your opinion.


Actually Caitlin Matthews is *not* the artist, although it's hard to tell that from the packaging. In tiny print they list Olivia Raynor as the artist. I think that was part of the problem, perhaps there wasn't enough communication between the author and artist. The artist seems to have illustrated the cards as she would have, say, a children's book, without being aware of the special requirements of a Tarot deck, i.e. that people would be looking at the cards intuitively to come up with meanings in readings.

I would suggest using only the Majors, Court cards and Aces for readings. You're right, it's too beautiful to just sit on the shelf gathering dust.

-- Lee


unfortunately, my copy of this deck DOES sit on the shelf--but i try to keep it free of dust, 'cuz it's one that i count as a favorite. i like the art, colors and theme, and i tried very hard to use it when i first got it. i found it to be most useful for storybuilding, journaling and meditation. i was not able to use it for readings, though. like you said, baby d., the cards just do not seem to relate to one another, and--especially as a novice--i need that connection to read the cards in a spread.
i still count this set as on of my "top ten...or twelve...or twenty..."
any-hoo, it's still a keeper!