Confirming an oracle


To confirm an oracle I've done about romance,sorry if my posts seem samey.

I suppose it's going to happen.

Question asked will romance come?

Flowers - Anchor - Dog - Fish- Gsrden and letter

Flowers and anchor there's a chance already here? Or on its way. I feel like they're telling me it will be long term and successful. Anchor and dog I feel it's telling me who ever it is is a friend or will come in the format as a friend we might have simaler goals but different values. Dog and fish I feel like it's telling me they'll act like my partner in crime and either be financially successful or help me financially. Fish and Garden I'm not sure about this combination maybe I've meet them through mingling at a festival or at work? Garden and letter (haven't got a clue) maybe the message will come through via chat online? Or I don't know.

So in a nut shell I feel it's telling me romance is around and it will be a long term thing not like the others, he may appear as a friend for a while but itlll turn to something good