Contentment...for free


My big question in regards to this topic title, is "Is Contentment free?"

Does it "cost" anything to find contentment? Not money, though, I suppose for some people contentment could be defined by something that can be purchased.

My late husband used to say that "warm, dry and fed" were the bare minimums. Being able to butter your bread was contentment. It was that little bit beyond the bare minimum.

But then again, perhaps a person can be content with just warm, dry, and fed. It seems to me that contentment is a matter of perspective.

Every action requires a movement away from something else ...the next step is always costing something...positive or negative.


It's very hard to stop the wantings from slipping and sliding into ones contentments...We cannot help but to make choosing to breathe , eat,sleep ,rest , walk...etc...

Decisions are upon us all the time...

As you said in a previous thread, GreatDane...We can ALLOW ourselves to be content with the worlds workings...


I like you :D Thank you !