Daily messages


So I thought I would start doing 3 card daily readings for myself. And open it up to interpretation by others as well as offering feedback on others post of their daily messages.

For today I received the

Page of pentacles
The Emperor
8 of pentacles

The page of pentacles could be a message of learning and examination. The emperor I could see as remaining strong, steadfast and in control of myself and situation. I don't get emotions from this guy. The 8 of pentacles for me says working diligently and keep trying.

To sum up simply, I would say the message for me today is to examine what I really want and take control to achieve it. If I don't succeed the first time, to try try again.


The Page of Pentacles for me suggests someone who is not yet an expert in his field but is prepared to work hard at it. The Emperor is the card of discipline and authority, while the 8 of Pentacles (like the previous page) suggests doing your utmost to master your craft.

So I think your daily reading suggests that you should focus on your job/studies today, be diligent, and just work hard.


Thanks for your feedback. I agree with your observations as well. I can see where the page of pentacles could represent a beginner type energy. An energy that also embodies the type of wonder we encounter in our youth. Although I'm not a youth anymore, I still try and approach things with fresh eyes.