Deeply affected by hearing this and don't know why

Earl Grey

I started listening to the first 10 minutes of this Solfeggio Frequency. It hit me in a way that I felt wonderful, but sad, and somewhat if it's what I hear when I finally die and after I awaken from the illusions.

I couldn't understand why, so I decided to use The Fountain Tarot and drew 7 cards. Through my head, there was recent loss of love from three sources being my father's death anniversary, a breakup several months ago (but thankfully still friends), and a rejection from someone new who ended up being rather unkind for no reason after I made my intentions known. Then, there are some money challenges, and a sense of the mysterious unknown in life coming to affect me and those around me very soon--in particular, some travel and some developments esoterically where I will go to places like Slovenia soon with my teacher to help our new student.

The Hierophant V - Hidden wisdom that comes from something deeper, something that is there for all, but an insight both meant to only understand through experience. How it affects me may help me better to share this and the gift of a story or literal song here perhaps?

10 of Wands - Feeling exhausted with all the work I've taken, and the song is meant to remind me to rest and redirect it for the real purpose.

Strength XI - A level of self-control and self-mastery, over the lesser emotions and desires, drives, and using them to do something greater.

Ace of Swords - Deep revelations and insight triggered by something in the mind. Clarity.

Judgment XX - Reconciliation, renewal, awakenings--insight follows change, not vice-versa.

3 of Swords - Deep sadness and grieving over loss and things I don't want to let go of

6 of Cups - Remembering joy and revisiting it, then inviting it back into my life.

Anyone able to offer any help?

Emi :)

You have almost made sense of your own situation, relax :)

Hello there,

I'm not perfect at tarot and I do lack patience so bare with and I'm sure someone else can answer better lol. To me, you really don't need to as I can clearly see with or without cards you have described a loss also remembrance and are explaining a grieving process or emotions rising up to a time of need?. The music/song's relevance is also clear. I listen to music all the time its a part of me as I'm creative, I also listen to instrumentals, how do you know what's going on without words? well music tells tales and speaks words through live instruments and the sound is strong enough without lyrics. Anyway this piece of music maybe a sign from your dad, he is speaking through a synchronicity that you will recognize on earth. This music represented a sound which he knew of, this music is peacful and with the anniversary and you most probably were thinking of him alot more than any other anniversary probably? you miss him so perhaps this is a sound from heaven or from him to say with a peaceful tune that he's at peace? You are stressing about money, money is a big deal as its how one lives in this world, you need to earn it and to spend it, this maybe your time of need and perhaps you aren't married or have anyone else? so that's why he's come? Maybe you have an inheritance. You are deeply affected because its a sign and you'll be fine.

The Hierophant: to me is a figure of high authority, upstairs in "the golden chair of power" like a god in charge in heavon or upstairs watching over the human earth = your dad from above.

10 of wands: a man trying to gather everything at once all on his own, struggling. Your dad is gone and you are alone, stressing about money and trying to keep everything together whilst alone, you are tired of all this and perhaps so at rock bottom, its also an emotional time so you receive an emotional sign at an emotional time of need = the music

Strength: you have it or will do once you gather it as the emotional time passes and is replaced with the best of memories which make strength a permanent part of you that's there to stay.

Ace of swords: birth of a victory, you may overcome the emotions or grief and be happier, you may be motivated to overcome the money worries = new job or inheritance?

Judgment: things may get better for you and you may reflect back on when you felt worried or sad, you may judge for yourself whether you ever needed to worry.

3 of swords: in rider waite, there is a heart =emotion the anniversary is something that continues every year just like a birthday, swords through the heart = painful and the wound of loss, you have moved on but will weaken for that time of year but will be able to move on again after with the new found strength, the quantity of swords aka amount of pain = suggest that each year/or bad time or anniversary you have gone through pain, pain = 1 sword 3 swords = 3 amounts of pain already passed, it gets less painful each time = strength to get over grieving?

6 of cups: everything is in better condition finally! you are able to remember the best bits of only the best times, peace and acceptance, you may be a mother or father to someone yourself? (in rider waite there is an elder and a little boy?) you may carry on things you shared with your father? you understand that you will pass as your dad passed you apply this if you yourself have children?

Best I got, don't hate me!

Earl Grey

Thanks for your quick response to my initial draft; but there's still a little more!

Hello there,

I'm not perfect at tarot and I do lack patience so bare with and I'm sure someone else can answer better lol. To me, you really don't need to as I can clearly see with or without cards you have described a loss also remembrance and are explaining a grieving process or emotions rising up to a time of need?. The music/song's relevance is also clear. I listen to music all the time its a part of me as I'm creative, I also listen to instrumentals, how do you know what's going on without words? well music tells tales and speaks words through live instruments and the sound is strong enough without lyrics. Anyway this piece of music maybe a sign from your dad, he is speaking through a synchronicity that you will recognize on earth. This music represented a sound which he knew of, this music is peacful and with the anniversary and you most probably were thinking of him alot more than any other anniversary probably? you miss him so perhaps this is a sound from heaven or from him to say with a peaceful tune that he's at peace? You are stressing about money, money is a big deal as its how one lives in this world, you need to earn it and to spend it, this maybe your time of need and perhaps you aren't married or have anyone else? so that's why he's come? Maybe you have an inheritance. You are deeply affected because its a sign and you'll be fine.

The Hierophant: to me is a figure of high authority, upstairs in "the golden chair of power" like a god in charge in heavon or upstairs watching over the human earth = your dad from above.

10 of wands: a man trying to gather everything at once all on his own, struggling. Your dad is gone and you are alone, stressing about money and trying to keep everything together whilst alone, you are tired of all this and perhaps so at rock bottom, its also an emotional time so you receive an emotional sign at an emotional time of need = the music

Strength: you have it or will do once you gather it as the emotional time passes and is replaced with the best of memories which make strength a permanent part of you that's there to stay.

Ace of swords: birth of a victory, you may overcome the emotions or grief and be happier, you may be motivated to overcome the money worries = new job or inheritance?

Judgment: things may get better for you and you may reflect back on when you felt worried or sad, you may judge for yourself whether you ever needed to worry.

3 of swords: in rider waite, there is a heart =emotion the anniversary is something that continues every year just like a birthday, swords through the heart = painful and the wound of loss, you have moved on but will weaken for that time of year but will be able to move on again after with the new found strength, the quantity of swords aka amount of pain = suggest that each year/or bad time or anniversary you have gone through pain, pain = 1 sword 3 swords = 3 amounts of pain already passed, it gets less painful each time = strength to get over grieving?

6 of cups: everything is in better condition finally! you are able to remember the best bits of only the best times, peace and acceptance, you may be a mother or father to someone yourself? (in rider waite there is an elder and a little boy?) you may carry on things you shared with your father? you understand that you will pass as your dad passed you apply this if you yourself have children?

Best I got, don't hate me!

Firstly, thank you, you are absolutely lovely still and I appreciate your readiness and quick response.

Secondly, definitely on the money there (no pun intended) for the issue of finances and dad--when he passed seven years ago, he left me with a lot of debt and heartbreak over how sudden it was. Taken a long time to recover, and I've been doing it one day at a time.

Thirdly, I added details to what was going on in my mind, as I had to post earlier from the office and leave abruptly, so my original text has been updated to reflect other things going on. I'll reply in particular to your interpretation regarding Dad at least.

Hierophant - agree; he was someone who loved working with the metaphysical, and we have that connection up to now.

10 of Wands - not sure, but there's definitely a feeling of being overworked at least! To put it into context, I'm working on a lot of things all at once, both professionally and personally, so I'm affectionately called by my friends the most overworked and underpaid freelance possibly.

Strength - again, in regards to Dad at least, I agree here. It's rolling up my sleeves and not feeling sorry for myself.

Ace of Swords - a little unsure, but thats's only because the initial post didn't have all the details I should have spelled out earlier. Maybe asking to focus on what's in front of me?

Judgment - Maybe so; I do feel that there's more of a shedding of skin now if that's an appropriate metaphor.

3 of Swords - I guess it's still the constant feeling of loss. Lost my girlfriend a few months back, lost a chance with a new one (and for that matter, a friendship as well, which really hurt too when she started being especially unpleasant, and for what, because I asked her out on a date once?), my dad's seventh year of death, and pining over loss yet wondering why it has to happen. Emptying my cup--an old Taoist metaphor to have it be filled. Maybe loss because of the need to empty the cup?

6 of Cups - I would hope it all gets better! It appears it could, but I am uncertain if it will get better because it's meant to OR if it means that it will get better from my own effort and hard work.

Anyhow--the song triggered a lot of those emotions, and these were the cards. I'm still exploring.

Thank you once again.

Any others want to throw in a few insights for this?

Emi :)


I'm real glad that I could help you, you make me feel better :)


Hierophant (Foundation Card/Where it all manifests from) I always link "to the old" because it's stuff that is usually ingrained from lifelong traditions and our culture.

10 of Wands I think is not a sense of burden as much as there is no room for the "new" here anymore...

Strength could possibly be your learning to move from a harder version of control in your life to a more softer form of it. This is helping with the release of the 10W.

Ace of Swords (Core card--middle card) - This leaves room for new clarity.

Judgement -- Which helps you to not only accept what is new, but relieve yourself of guilt and critical judgement that keeps you from moving forward in other areas of life. This I sometimes link to the overall "goal" of shadow work... so it's possible this is instantiating after the AoS as a sense of giving you kinda a break down of what your life SHOULD look like when these revelations take root (see the ACE (first seed) of the AoS)

3 of Swords is where your work begins.

6 of Cups is where it'll lead you. (Manifestation card--"exit card")

I don't want to read too heavily into each card, but just giving some ideas. I don't know what the frequency thing is you mentioned... I'm really sensitive atm so trying to avoid certain sources (particularly music).

You may want to look into music therapy. It is actually great for "shadow work" and helping to get you through while you do the bigger work.

If you've done any sort of block release work or energy work for the purposes of healing and releasing and have had "meh" results... it's possible this was a loosened block that finally released as a result of the Strength... we ALL do energy work constantly, though it's often in smaller bits because our ridiculous lifestyles and it's usually stuff that's preprogrammed over a period of YEARS that releases in smaller cycles...

When we learn soft control when it comes to the benefits of release work, we are actually teaching ourselves to not only reinforce our coping mechanisms (especially with energy), we are also making our "intents" stronger. Intents are key to shaping the energy cycles and the "clean up" the spirit does... sometimes these cycles are poorly timed, or.... they are not instantiated strong enough to do much more than a basic polishing of the surface. Intent creates mindfulness, aids us in being present... which does tend to slow stress cycles, allows the spirit to charge and self-heal which aids it in achieving longer cycles for more difficult work instead of just constant dump and run. If you are particularly intuitive, then you'll sometimes 'know' when this release work is imminent and you may even find yourself practicing little rituals... avoiding certain types of music, planning ahead for dates/etc.

The Heirophant may even signify you're taking a good hard look at these little "rituals" and thinking about removing what no longer works for you. It's possible too that with some of the changes in your life, you may even have to take a "break" from looking at the past and becoming more future oriented... just because you know that what used to work worked then... but we can't perpetually remain in a state of constant nostalgia, missing the past, dwelling on what was. That's likely what the 6C is meant to "release".

In my head I broke up the cards as the following

"foundation cards/where it all comes from"
Heirophant - 10W - Strength ||
"meat card/core card"
Ace of Swords ||
"manifestation cards"
Judgement - 3S - 6C

The last card is particularly "toxic" in terms of emotional mindset, and the first is in the very least "self-aware" of prior patterns... so it's possible the AoS is helping to break down these patterns... but I would not be surprised if you go back and forth emotionally between the beginning of the spread and end in terms of thought management.

I always think of particularly bad emotional work as a "break up" in it's own right. Except when you are breaking up with your past, you're actually breaking up and having to "reassess" all the relationships and associations of said past. So you take with you what helps you moving forward (possibly signified Heirophant -- 10W -- Strength) and leave what does not (possibly signified in the Judgement + 3S + 6C)... I saw the AoS as helping the first three to deal with the last three... so it may be that you are highly aware on some level what is coming up next and are more or less "rallying your base" (those first 3) to get you through the next junction...

BTW, Emi mentioned your dad being represented in the Heirophant. Don't forget the "teachings" element to this card... yes, he is moved on, but what you are left with what will be what you likely be able to tune into the most that helps you going forward. If that makes the grieving process easier... my grandmother and her sisters are highly spiritual and they constantly reference those who have passed on, those "impressions" of life they left with them, those little gifts of "knowledge" that they were left with that will aid them until it is their time to go... after all, they are not really "gone" per say, but they still remain as a big part of your life... Heirophant often primarily being focused on our roots.

Also think about other times Heirophant has shown up in your self-reads that may also give you "clues" as to what particular teachings or mantras that may be most helpful at this time... it may also tap into even psychic gifts that were passed on via the parent. So in a sense you may be more unified with them on a constant basis in that respect than you may even realize. Maybe think about carrying that aspect of your family on to the next generation. I know my family is "linked" in that sense.

Earl Grey


Hierophant (Foundation Card/Where it all manifests from) I always link "to the old" because it's stuff that is usually ingrained from lifelong traditions and our culture.

10 of Wands I think is not a sense of burden as much as there is no room for the "new" here anymore...

Strength could possibly be your learning to move from a harder version of control in your life to a more softer form of it. This is helping with the release of the 10W.

Ace of Swords (Core card--middle card) - This leaves room for new clarity.

Judgement -- Which helps you to not only accept what is new, but relieve yourself of guilt and critical judgement that keeps you from moving forward in other areas of life. This I sometimes link to the overall "goal" of shadow work... so it's possible this is instantiating after the AoS as a sense of giving you kinda a break down of what your life SHOULD look like when these revelations take root (see the ACE (first seed) of the AoS)

3 of Swords is where your work begins.

6 of Cups is where it'll lead you. (Manifestation card--"exit card")

I don't want to read too heavily into each card, but just giving some ideas. I don't know what the frequency thing is you mentioned... I'm really sensitive atm so trying to avoid certain sources (particularly music).

You may want to look into music therapy. It is actually great for "shadow work" and helping to get you through while you do the bigger work.

If you've done any sort of block release work or energy work for the purposes of healing and releasing and have had "meh" results... it's possible this was a loosened block that finally released as a result of the Strength... we ALL do energy work constantly, though it's often in smaller bits because our ridiculous lifestyles and it's usually stuff that's preprogrammed over a period of YEARS that releases in smaller cycles...

When we learn soft control when it comes to the benefits of release work, we are actually teaching ourselves to not only reinforce our coping mechanisms (especially with energy), we are also making our "intents" stronger. Intents are key to shaping the energy cycles and the "clean up" the spirit does... sometimes these cycles are poorly timed, or.... they are not instantiated strong enough to do much more than a basic polishing of the surface. Intent creates mindfulness, aids us in being present... which does tend to slow stress cycles, allows the spirit to charge and self-heal which aids it in achieving longer cycles for more difficult work instead of just constant dump and run. If you are particularly intuitive, then you'll sometimes 'know' when this release work is imminent and you may even find yourself practicing little rituals... avoiding certain types of music, planning ahead for dates/etc.

The Heirophant may even signify you're taking a good hard look at these little "rituals" and thinking about removing what no longer works for you. It's possible too that with some of the changes in your life, you may even have to take a "break" from looking at the past and becoming more future oriented... just because you know that what used to work worked then... but we can't perpetually remain in a state of constant nostalgia, missing the past, dwelling on what was. That's likely what the 6C is meant to "release".

In my head I broke up the cards as the following

"foundation cards/where it all comes from"
Heirophant - 10W - Strength ||
"meat card/core card"
Ace of Swords ||
"manifestation cards"
Judgement - 3S - 6C

The last card is particularly "toxic" in terms of emotional mindset, and the first is in the very least "self-aware" of prior patterns... so it's possible the AoS is helping to break down these patterns... but I would not be surprised if you go back and forth emotionally between the beginning of the spread and end in terms of thought management.

I always think of particularly bad emotional work as a "break up" in it's own right. Except when you are breaking up with your past, you're actually breaking up and having to "reassess" all the relationships and associations of said past. So you take with you what helps you moving forward (possibly signified Heirophant -- 10W -- Strength) and leave what does not (possibly signified in the Judgement + 3S + 6C)... I saw the AoS as helping the first three to deal with the last three... so it may be that you are highly aware on some level what is coming up next and are more or less "rallying your base" (those first 3) to get you through the next junction...

BTW, Emi mentioned your dad being represented in the Heirophant. Don't forget the "teachings" element to this card... yes, he is moved on, but what you are left with what will be what you likely be able to tune into the most that helps you going forward. If that makes the grieving process easier... my grandmother and her sisters are highly spiritual and they constantly reference those who have passed on, those "impressions" of life they left with them, those little gifts of "knowledge" that they were left with that will aid them until it is their time to go... after all, they are not really "gone" per say, but they still remain as a big part of your life... Heirophant often primarily being focused on our roots.

Also think about other times Heirophant has shown up in your self-reads that may also give you "clues" as to what particular teachings or mantras that may be most helpful at this time... it may also tap into even psychic gifts that were passed on via the parent. So in a sense you may be more unified with them on a constant basis in that respect than you may even realize. Maybe think about carrying that aspect of your family on to the next generation. I know my family is "linked" in that sense.

Wow, you've got it.

I am not sure why the 6 of Cups would have an implication to not be a positive in terms of the toxicity you mention, because I feel that perhaps after 3 of Swords, it's perhaps the beginning of emotional freedom based on the past that I revisit and bring back in a new form...basically, let something die in order for it to live again perhaps?

The Solfeggio Frequencies are good for healing DNA and karmic patterns, and I do a lot of mantra work as well, so there was something about that particular frequency that really got me hard when playing it (174 hz - Foundation of Conscious Evolution). Fitting it's the Hierophant, the self-awareness.

Really appreciate the simplicity of separating the 7 cards into two halves with the Ace of Swords being the centerpiece that cuts through the muddle--quite the role you have played here too, thank you very much--it almost seems you yourself are also part of that function of the Ace of Swords.