Fated changes


Today I decided to do a love reading for myself. I usually don't ask the cards about my love life because it is non existent. However, the cards I drew were:

Hanged Man
Wheel of fortune

They appeared in this order with no positional meanings. They have me completely stumped but since they are all majors I'm a bit worried and excited at the same time.

I take the hanged man with the wheel of fortune as an event that will change my perspective on meeting someone decent and good. The wheel with magician I feel could represent someone I know or is in my immediate surrounding that I've never taken into romantic consideration. The Star being the final card I interpret to mean that my wish for a true love will be granted. Thanks to any and all who offer insight into my reading.


Hi, I think The Hanged Man is asking you to still have patience and change your perspective about love, you need to do this, so that then The Wheel of Fortune would be on your side, that is to say you'll have more chances to meet that special one, because the Universe will help you out once you'll have understood what you want and need from love. The Magician to me confirms you have all the necessary skills to have the love life you want, it's up to you to make use of them though, that is to choose the best approach and act upon that. Finally I'd say The Star is suggesting you to have faith and be optimistic, maybe you'll need time to get ready to love, but that doesn't mean you'll never be. The Universe is with you, have faith and you'll succeed.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for your thoughtful observation! I definitely do have more work to do on myself. After reading your response, I also feel the hanged man could represent me moving into a better space (emotionally) to be ready for a real relationship. I definitely agree that the Star could be saying to remain positive about my outlook regarding romance as this is often hard from me to do. For some reason I also feel the Star could represent someone finding love later in life which would be my case. Not that I qualify for the senior discount at Ihop yet, but I feel like I am sometimes. Lol. Still not to sure about that wheel and magician.