Hanged Man Image Help?


Hi -

For a personal project (a tattoo), I'm trying to find an image of the hanged man that (a) I like and (b) can be converted to a tattoo relatively easily.

Unfortunately, actually looking at all of the available decks is both difficult and extremely expensive, given the specific nature of the project. So, I'm asking for help. If you have a Le Pendu that you particularly like, if it's relatively easy to make an electronic image and email it to me, I would genuinely appreciate it. I've actually got an account set up for this purpose: lependu@stewball.net.

I'm aware of the mixed/enigmatic nature of the Hanged Man symbolism, and it does have some particular meaning to me beyond that, so don't worry that you are aiding me in doing something I don't really understand w/r/t inking the icon into my skin.

Thanks for spending the time to read this, and thanks in advance for any help you can give.




Hey Jeremy,

What sort of style are you after? Check out the card I designed for the Aeclectic Tarot Project:

Another Hanged Man I have done:

If you like these images I can modify them to suit a tattoo...


geocities says that second page isnt available for viewing


Thanks Liliana. It seems to work on my computer... You can find it on my site (hopefully): http://www.geocities.com/kaynes_celtic_tarot


Yeah I could go that way, my computer does screwy things with your site anyway, it makes the writing be on top of each other in places, but one I openedone of the pages of cards it was ok, they are nice :)


your "Le Pendu" for the Aeclectic Tarot Project is gorgeous, but, most importantly, I think it could make a beautiful tattoo... :)

I think that the Hanged Man from Crowley's Book of Thot might be a wonderful tattoo as well :).

Can I ask in which part you are going to get it done?


Hi Kayne -

Sorry about the lag in responding -- had a lot going on for the last few days. I think that the Aeclectic Tarot image may be close to what I'm thinking of, though some modifications might be appropriate. I'll have to think about exactly what those would look like for the style/form factor that I envision.

Stay tuned, and I'll try to think of and describe the nature of the delta between the present image and the vision I've got.

Thanks for responding and for considering this possibility.


Quote:kayne (09 Feb, 2002 14:29):
Hey Jeremy,

What sort of style are you after? Check out the card I designed for the Aeclectic Tarot Project:

Another Hanged Man I have done:

If you like these images I can modify them to suit a tattoo...


Hi Pollux -

I also like the Book of Thoth art, but am uncomfortable with the Crowley association. I'm still considering that balance.

As far as where the tattoo will be, I'm thinking upper right arm, with the tree of life/Tau Cross wrapping around the arm, and the hanged man suspended down the side of the arm.


Quote:pollux (10 Feb, 2002 03:37):
your "Le Pendu" for the Aeclectic Tarot Project is gorgeous, but, most importantly, I think it could make a beautiful tattoo... :)

I think that the Hanged Man from Crowley's Book of Thot might be a wonderful tattoo as well :).

Can I ask in which part you are going to get it done?


Jeremy: Tell me how to modify it and it will be done! All I ask for in return is a good quality photo of it when you have had it done :) I love the idea that some of my art might be commited to skin...