If you were on a deserted island...


I probably would do it as StarShine, or I would go with one deck I would then think was the wrong choice. After all, being on that famous lonely island, after some month I would throw any tarot deck away and try to learn to read the clouds, the wind and the sea. That is even without island my aim.


I'd take the Robin Wood, a good supply of pencils, and a lot of journals :) If I ran out of things to read for, I'd just start reading for people I made up. Heck.. some of my best stories have come from just drawing five cards, and weaving it into a story :) The tarot is a beautiful, beautiful thing :)



all right, i have been thinking about this one for days and still can't come up w/ an answer. first off, if i'm going to be stranded on a deserted island, i plan to have a few survival items like matches, a tent, emergency rations, water sterilization pills or at least a pot to sterilize water, a knife, etc. then i figure i wouldn't really have time to choose so i hope it's one of the following:
1) the rohrig
2) legend arthurian
3) the shining tribe/woman
4) celtic wisdom
5) art nouveau
6) haindl deck + it's book
7) tarot of spirit + it's book
8) robin wood
9) gendron
10) fairy wicca
i'd rather have my bamboo chest filled w/ them all and a books plus lots of paper and pens... i'm not as good as tom hanks was in castaway but then i don't want to have daily chats w/ a ball named wilson either... :p


I would have to say a big "ditto" to StarShines post. I always knew I had a long lost sister somewhere. I'm a Koontz fan too. I'm sure I would really like Stephen King if I took the time to read him. (My birthday is the same as his so I would have to like his work.)

Love Robin Wood.. it's my comfortable favorite. Number two choice would be The Rohrig deck. It's big enough to float on!


I would have to take my Voyager Tarot. Maybe the Mythic Tarot as well. But how about I forget about the deserted island and make is a coastal private retreat, with a full pantry and plenty of wood for the fire?


Oh, and books. Lots and lots of books of all kinds, history, romance, philosophy, and more books!


The comment about 'Castaway' and Tom Hanks' long conversations with Wilson made me think that after four years on a desert island, you would be talking to your cards on a fairly personal basis! That made me think I would want some friendly looking cards!
At first I had thought I would take the Osho Zen deck, but after the 'Castaway' comment I started to think.... hummmm, four years with that awful Queen of Clouds? or the four of Rainbows or 6 of clouds? Nope, no way.
So, I vote for Robin Woods deck if that would be my only companion.
The solar powered battery flashlight and a sturdy knife sound good too, :)


i'd have to take my renaissance tarot. it's currently the only tarot i'm working with, and the first in a long time that continually interests me!
i'd also need my angel cards (by doreen virtue), and my soul cards.
ditto on the books--lotsa books--and writing materials, including my laptop!


Just one? I'd have to take the old Hoi Polloi that's been in the family since I was ten. It's reliable and I know it so well. But these days I'm using my Zerner-Farber almost exclusively.


I would say my Hanson Roberts deck.
But my brand new Spiral tarot is very appealing.
