Lenormand readings


Okay, here are the rules for this thread:

1) No "how does so-and-so feel about me" type of questions please. I am not very good at them.

2) Feedback is a MUST. If you still owe me feedback from other threads, please do not post questions here.

3) No "yes/no" questions please. This is not my forte either.

4) Exchanges are also very welcome (either tarot, lenromand, or other methods of divinity you are comfortable with).


How do i break this negative cycle that rj and myself are in for good ?


Hi Kurenai!

Ill give feedback or exchange. I'm new to lenormand though, thanks!

My Q: Will I get the return message I am looking for soon and any clues about it?

If this is too yes/no I can reword.

alt Q: Any clues about the return message I am waiting to receive?


I'm open for a trade. I just have to figure out how to word my question.

(changed the question)

How will my first math exam of this week (now until Sunday january 17th) go? -not asking for a specific test score just a theme.-
-Think this is best for you to practice.. I can then confirm it for you.-

Do you have a question you would like to ask?

The Universe Knows

I'll gladly give back timely feedback.

Backstory: As a kid, I grew up with an insane certainty I was meant to do something special, and through most of my adulthood have felt the same. For years I thought I knew what that was...but getting older has recently given me reasons to doubt that which I thought I was meant to do. And that would be fine, I could accept it, as long as I know I have been "barking up the wrong tree" and just need to focus on growing more enlightened, taking care of my family, etc..

So...question would be, I guess: What am I meant to do in this life?

Given the backstory, if you think the question could be better phrased, have at it.

Many thanks. :)


How do i break this negative cycle that rj and myself are in for good ?

Hey, for this I got:

fox-whip-stars-clouds-fish (base: woman)

I am not sure which one of you is the female, but with the "woman" card at the base it looks like the female in this relationship should take on the initiative of getting out the negative cycle.

Fox: Use your wits, and be clever like a fox. I also take this to mean "be on the alert" instead of going with the tide. If you want to break the cycle of pain, then you will have to keep your wits about you and identify the potential warning signs before it sucks you in again.

Whip: This card can mean argument, but I don't think the cards are advocating for verbal conflict for this situation. I would like to see this as the cards telling you that you should take action (a very proactive action) to stop this. It can also mean that you should keep repeating something -- for example, if rj asks that you do something and despite not wanting to, you have a hard time saying no, then you should practice saying no again and again. If you were lacking giving rj positive responses, then you should practice giving him/her compliments.

Stars: This is the focus card which means "yes, you can do this." Do not lose hope that you can't get out of the negativity.

Clouds: In this case, the cards are telling you what NOT to do: "cloud" card denotes here thinking clearly and not letting anything cloud (no pun intended) your judgment. Also, do not be vague when it comes to dealing with rj -- be concise, clear, and concrete so that there's no room for misinterpretation.

Fish: This card can mean "being independent," so I am wondering if you had been relying too much on rj (e.g., emotionally) in the past. Kind of like an addiction. It is time for you to break out of it. Does this make sense?

I hope my reading resonated.


Hi Kurenai!

I can do a three card reading as an exchange if you like (I'm an intermediate reader, still learning)

My question, if you are willing to read on the topic, is "what direction will my life take from here?"

With thanks,


Hi K,

Yes, and a swap is most certainly on offer from me... I've only just started dabbling with the Lenormand cards so my style will be rudimentary. I will try to follow your example. 3 cards are what I've worked with til now.

My question:
What can I expect in terms of self-confidence enhancing exoeriences coming up?

I've been through many knocks in the last few years and if I wasn't as experienced as I am I would've thought they're all about me. But they're not. It will be good to see some victories coming up in life, if the cards happen to show it.




Hey, sorry about the delay. Do you still want me to do this question? And you can use tarot if you're more comfortable with it.

Hi Kurenai!

Ill give feedback or exchange. I'm new to lenormand though, thanks!

My Q: Will I get the return message I am looking for soon and any clues about it?

If this is too yes/no I can reword.

alt Q: Any clues about the return message I am waiting to receive?


Hey, sorry about the delay. Do you still want me to do this question? And you can use tarot if you're more comfortable with it.

Lol, I heard back already. :) Heres a new Q

What is coming up in the next 3 months I need to be aware of or would be helpful for me to know?

In return I can read either tarot or try lenormand and I have a Magic 8 Ball if you have an additional yes/no question. You can pick decks from my profile list for your reading.