liber 777


are there any supplemental materials to help with the charts and diagrams to help make this document more palatable?

any help would be appreciated.



are there any supplemental materials to help with the charts and diagrams to help make this document more palatable?

any help would be appreciated.


Do you have the full published version or are you using an on-line extract with just the tables of correspondences? The text section titled "Explanations of the Attributions in the More Important Columns of Tables I - VI" (pages 45 to 124 in my 1986 edition) gives detailed notes on the columns. There are also Appendices A and B and the "Notes to Table of Correspondences." In his Introduction, Israel Regardie mentions a few accessible qabalistic works that provide general background material for what Crowley was up to. I also found David Godwin's "Cabalistic Encyclopedia" valuable for appreciating Crowley's use of Gematria. I understand that Stephen Skinner put out a later book of correspondences that owed much to 777, but I don't have it and believe it's OOP.


Skinner's book is COMPLETE MAGICIAN'S TABLES and is much more comprehensive than 777, although 777 is more concisely keyed specifically to Crowley/GD material.

For various reasons I would also recommend Eshelman's 776½.


I've got a PDF that has the tables along with Crowley's explanations. It's Called 777 Revised, A reprint of 777 with much additional matter by the late Aleister Crowley. It says, "This electronic text issued by Celephaïs Press from somewhere beyond the Tanarian Hills, and manifested in the waking world in Leeds, Yorkshire, England 2003 E.V." and "(c) Ordo Templi Orientis, JAF Box 7666, New York, NY 10116 U.S.A." I can't remember where I downloaded it from, but I found it through a search and it was free.

Always Wondering

For various reasons I would also recommend Eshelman's 776½.

I would be curious to hear from people who have this one. I too struggle with the layout of 777.

Is it much improved?



I would be curious to hear from people who have this one. I too struggle with the layout of 777.

Is it much improved?


The material is for the most part exclusively related to ceremonial magic and tarot, mostly the same as 777 but with a few additions, and the tables are much more legible, especially non-English characters. Some of the additional commentary is useful also.

The last sections of the book are particularly of interest in relation to ceremonial magic.


777 revised

thanks for that one. i looked mostly at the additional commentary, looks way helpful.

i like this, its funny...

" the physical continuum, the eye can distinguish
between the lengths of one-inch stick and a two-inch stick, but not
between these which measure respectively one thousand miles and one
thousand miles and one inch, though the difference in each case is
equally an inch."

*ahem* back to serious study, ha!