Moving Interstate


I have recently decided I am going to move interstate. This new place I am moving is remote and has a population of 25000. I currently live in a city with 2 million. What draws me to this place is spiritual in nature. It is also an opportunity to start fresh, focus on my creativity and meet new people. This place is in the desert…The move is happening in 6-8ths FINGERS CROSSED
Celtic Cross Spread

Card 1-The Situation-8 of Cups- This card represent the journey of moving away on a mission to look into the soul. I think it symbolises walking into the darkness which represents my inner world. Its a solo journey. I think this cup is a perfect representation for the situation.

Card 2- The Challenge/Block- 7 of Pents- MONEY! I am stressed about my resources before moving away. If i could move away tomorrow I would however I am needing to pay off my debts i already have and then save so I am not stressed when i get to my destination. I will be looking for work when i get there however at the moment i need to look at my resources, budget, be wise and continue to save as much money as possible.

Card 3- The Past- The four of Wands- What i think of with this card is I will be leaving behind friendships and family. Also my stability and comfort zone. I have been where I have been for 80% of my life. Something about this card is linked to homecoming but not sure??? Is where i am going to be moving my new family and home?

Card 4- The Future- Knight of Cups- I think this card represents my emotions and my creativity. I think the person journeying by themselves in the 8 of wands is then moving to a place where she is meeting her emotions and starting to flourish with her art. (i know its a knight and I’m a woman). Maybe there is love or a relationship.

Card 5- My Resources i can draw on- 6 of Swords- This card again confirms me moving on. I think the water is symbolic of my emotions. The swords my mind.

Card 6- Set my sights on- The Sun- Really positive card. This card points to YES, this is the right decision. Its going to bring happiness. Also the big sun could be symbolic of the desert sun. Moving on from the murky waters of mental exhaustion and the stresses of moving and leaving behind security and family things are going to turn out positive and successful.

Card 7- How i see myself- The Emperor- This is a card where i need to take control of the situation. I make the decision myself and not be influenced by outsiders.

Card 8- How others see me- 5 of Wands- I think people are involving themselves in my business. A lot of people are doubting my decision and think its a wrong one. Its getting my backup and Now i feel i don’t want to tell anyone where i am moving.

Card 9- Hopes and Fears- 3 of wands- Again confirmation again of travel and to hotter climates. There is no turning back now. Taking action and making the move. Just a matter of time when it will happen.

Card 10- Outcome- Death- This move is going to be one of big transformation. This is what The move was about. Im not sure what to except though. I think big things are going to shift and i will be saying goodbye to old parts of the self that no longer serve me. I don’t think this transformation is possible unless i do this move.

Card 11- Clarifier Card for Card 10- 3 of Cups- Although this journey is a personal one and there are times when it might be very lonely after the transformation there will be celebrating and connection with friends.


8 of Wands
6 of Swords
3 of Wands

All in one reading...Leaving for a new place is inevitable