Help With Writing Ideas!


Hi guys,

I'm a lifestyle writer for a site and I need help coming up with some ideas for this week to pitch - I write about love/relationships, personal development, self improvement. Stuff like "How to Get Over an Ex", "How to Spot a Cheater," and "How to Have Sex With Your Boss Without All the Drama"

I've already got one pitch in my head! But I need help coming up with two more.

I asked tarot, "What are two topics I should write about that would really resonate with my readers?"

Deck: Urban Tarot

1. The Knight of Swords (clarified by the 4 of Swords Rx)

The Knight of Swords is called the "Game Master" in the Urban Tarot deck and he is the chess player. He knows how to think a couple moves ahead and he knows how to "navigate" the world through discernment and logic. And I can imagine, if he is in a love situation, he is the biggest game player there is - strategic, cunning, manipulative.

The 4 of Swords Rx, labeled "Truce" in the UT deck, I think is about keeping someone on their toes? Maybe not letting them rest and just constantly having them on their "Ps and Qs" with all the strategies and game playing?

So maybe I should write about "Player" Men and How to Keep Them On Their Toes? Just a thought.

2. 5 of Swords (clarified by 6 of Wands)


Oh another game-ish card! The 5 of Swords. I suppose with any card game, it's all about one-upmanship and gaining the upper hand. And with the 6 of Wands, labeled as "Victory" in the UT, it's all about winning and running to the finish line.

But I wonder what could both these cards mean for a topic? Maybe it's suggesting that I write about something like How to Win By Playing Dirty? But my question ended up being, "write about winning what, exactly?" And I got the Ace of Wands - maybe winning others' passion and persuasion or something like that.

Gah! As you can see, I'm creatively blocked here. Any help?!


Hi! :)

So right away I thought of "How To Get Revenge!"

But for what?

Ace of Wands:

Getting in killer shape.
By looking hot.
Showing off a hot new date.
Showing up his new GF


Good luck..


Hi! :)

So right away I thought of "How To Get Revenge!"

But for what?

Ace of Wands:

Getting in killer shape.
By looking hot.
Showing off a hot new date.
Showing up his new GF


Good luck..

Brilliant! Oh my god I could hug you! It's so funny because a reader of mine suggested that I write something about "How to Make Your Ex Regret Dumping You" or something like that - completely forgot she mentioned it. so I thank you!

I love it! I got a lot to write about :D


Glad I could help. ;)


Deck: Urban Tarot

1. The Knight of Swords (clarified by the 4 of Swords Rx)

2. 5 of Swords (clarified by 6 of Wands)

Hi E, first a disclaimer. I don't personally believe Tarot advises to play dirty or manipulate others so hence, I don't think it's about becoming more cunning to win in a negative way. (but that's only because I believe in fairy-angel-unicorn world where we all should learn to be nicer to each other :D )

Themes of these cards:

1. How to be strategic at... it could be finding the One, finding the perfect job, etc.

Clarified by 4S Rx, it could be: how to get back in the game after a while, for example after a longer relationship or job, when you find yourself back in the market again. The chess player implies a long term strategy, so instead of the usual "sign up for Tinder / brush up your resume" it could start from way back, like clean your closets to get to the right mindset, or visit a place you've always wanted to visit to gain inspiration for who you want to be in the future.

2. Another how to be strategic at... this is much more about winning and fame, so it could be about scoring a promotion, a contract, a book deal... winning something others' covet. Winning more publicity? (6W). 5S is about a game of equals, so how do you stand out when everybody has great chances and great assets? Or, how to turn competition into cooperation (no clashing of swords, no wounding of anyone, including oneself), say, by guest blog posting and other strategies?

Perhaps read about strategies at job markets, social media etc. and find inspiration for a story there.


1. How to outplay a player
2. How to create drama to pull wool over someone's face.
3. How to catch a cheater?
4. How to get out of friendzone?
5. How to get away with .... 😈


I see, "How to Beat Him at His Own Game." It would be all about discerning his next move to avert victimization. As an example, if you suspect he would want to cheat next Saturday, make sure you have Saturday and Sunday booked with activities for the two of you together. Keep yhinking and preparing for his next move (if you want to mske time for that kind of relationship).


Love Is A Losing Game: How To Make Him Think He's Winning While Setting Him Up For A Checkmate


Hi E, first a disclaimer. I don't personally believe Tarot advises to play dirty or manipulate others so hence, I don't think it's about becoming more cunning to win in a negative way. (but that's only because I believe in fairy-angel-unicorn world where we all should learn to be nicer to each other :D )

Themes of these cards:

1. How to be strategic at... it could be finding the One, finding the perfect job, etc.

Clarified by 4S Rx, it could be: how to get back in the game after a while, for example after a longer relationship or job, when you find yourself back in the market again. The chess player implies a long term strategy, so instead of the usual "sign up for Tinder / brush up your resume" it could start from way back, like clean your closets to get to the right mindset, or visit a place you've always wanted to visit to gain inspiration for who you want to be in the future.

Aaaaaah. That is a brilliant interpretation Saskia! :thumbsup:. I especially love how you enlightened me on what the 4 of Swords Reversed could mean here - getting back on the saddle and getting back to work in some fashion. Gosh, why didn't I think of that? Hmm. "How To Get Back In the Dating World After a Break" sounds like something I could do. :D

2. Another how to be strategic at... this is much more about winning and fame, so it could be about scoring a promotion, a contract, a book deal... winning something others' covet. Winning more publicity? (6W). 5S is about a game of equals, so how do you stand out when everybody has great chances and great assets? Or, how to turn competition into cooperation (no clashing of swords, no wounding of anyone, including oneself), say, by guest blog posting and other strategies?

Perhaps read about strategies at job markets, social media etc. and find inspiration for a story there.

Another aha moment for me. I have a pretty funny story about how I scored an in-person interview (I took a risk and I gave the HR manager a tarot reading :laugh:). I really love this idea of standing out when everyone else is on a level playing field.

I've got a lot of thinking to do. Thank you for your help :D


1. How to outplay a player
2. How to create drama to pull wool over someone's face.
3. How to catch a cheater?
4. How to get out of friendzone?
5. How to get away with .... 😈

You know, "How to Outplay a Player" sprang into my mind, too. But the title was much less catchy/fun than yours. I like that one. :D