OCTOBER READINGS by the Lone Crone


I have about One Hour to read if any wish to sit.
**PLEASE READ this post before posting any question. It is important for Reader and Querent, that we're literally on the same page :).

IF YOU ASK A QUESTION, PLEASE PLEASE stay on the thread as I read as I would an IN PERSON reading, it can be interactive, I may have a question. I then deliver your reading while you wait within minutes.

I see Lenormand readings as useful for perspective, as a tool, I don't see them as TELLING you what your future must be. I think of them as a possible heads up, things to watch for.

*I read more on your Path, linking you to a topic and seeing what we get.* I read to help a querent with perspective, hopefully helping them see something they hadn't seen, think of something they hadn't noticed, sometimes a reading will come out as a what to watch out for, a bit of a warning.
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HEALTH ISSUES....I think these are best left to a medical professional of some kind.

THIRD PERSON READINGS....please don't ask me if your boss is sleeping with your coworker. Neither of them asked for the reading. My link is to my Sitter, not another person.


SAME TOPIC, SAME PERSON....for those who ask about the same topic or same person, over and over not just for days or weeks, but months and years, PLEASE don't ask me to read for you. ACTIONS speak louder than words and I am just suggesting if you have been asking about the same topic or person for a long time, just perhaps it may be time to look at someone's actions rather than expecting the cards to change things. You have EVERY right to ask another Reader anything, I am just saying I don't wish to read on something I don't think will help the querent.

Multiple readings, over and over, can confuse a Sitter or cause them to stay in a rut and I don't wish that for anyone.

PLEASE do not ask me something you asked another reader within 24 hours. Things may change on your Path and I don't think back to back readings clarify, but confuse.

THESE are just MY feelings, my thoughts so you know how I feel about my readings and what I read on.

ANY Reader can read on whatever they wish and any querent can ask what they wish.

THESE are just MY personal parameters.


Hey greatdane. I adore your readings and noticed you have no sitters, so, I'd love to sit if you'll have me (as usual, no worries if you'd prefer to skip, you've read for me a few months ago)

I feel like I'm finally overcoming some emotional obstacles I've had for a while, and things are good. How can I continue to cultivate this positive feeling and growth?


Hello Think and Welcome Question please....

First, kudos for you for doing the work :) and improving. Good for you!

To focus as much as possible on what you are looking for, is there an area of your life you most wish advice on how to keep improving, to proceed? It just helps me zero in more.

Or I can just do a general, but I won't be able to tell you which area it pertains to.


Aww thanks, that's a sweet thing for you to say. I'm really pleased.

Erm, the area is general confidence and self esteem. I've made new friends and started postgraduate studies and I feel much more confident, but still want to continue the positivity and improve self confidence.

Sorry for the time it took to write this, I stayed in the thread but I was thinking how to word it without giving you an essay, ha!


no worries, Think! THANK you for your thoughtful response

I just wish to focus as much as possible on what you're looking for :).

I shall be back in a few moments with your reading.


Thank you so much greatdane :heart:


Think's Reading

I focused on what you should do moving forward to keep up the great momentum you're establishing re confidence.

FIRST CARD.....................THE RING


RESULTS........................THE CROSS

Interesting combination, Think, but good.

The WHAT of the RING is about establishing bonds, friendships and the HOW/WHY of the WHIP/BROOM here I see as a double meaning, which sometimes comes up for me with the Whip/Broom, this is both a stopping the continual negative thinking or emotions of the past, the WHIP, and sweeping it away with the BROOM, so it's basically SWEEP all you can of past behaviors and negative thoughts away and the RESULT of the CROSS here I see as FAITH.
BELIEVE in yourself, keep doing what you're doing, but for added emphasis, and the WHIP/BROOM is THE CARD here, every time you start to fall back into negative behaviors or thinking, recognize it and STOP it in it's tracks!

I have suggested to people before to keep a rubberband on their wrist and SNAP it at the first recognition of behaviors or thoughts they don't wish to have! Obviously you needn't do THAT, but it is important to become more aware of the moment you may start to fall back and then replace with a positive behavior or thought. Does this make sense to you, Think?


Thank you so much, greatdane!

Actually I've done a CBT course (as a therapist, not a patient) and I know the rubber band trick. I even have used techniques like that, but not for a while.

I have noticed some negative thinking creeping in with regards to forming new friendships, and I'm trying to stop it (but also I feel I have a good intuition, so I'm trying to find a balance between trusting myself and knowing I'm thinking negatively).

The believe of the cross really makes sense also. I will remember to sweep away the past and stop those thoughts in their tracks, and also to have faith.

Thanks again!


You've got this, Think!

I have passed along the rubber trick to my students in the past and while I certainly don't think that's the only way to catch oneself, the IDEA of it is useful. To just get more and more aware of when one is going to the negative side.

You sound VERY self-aware and I KNOW you will get to where you wish to be.

The Cross seems to say believe you can do this, you are doing this!

Blessings on your Path!



CLOSED FOR NOW...please do not post QUESTIONS

I THANK THINK for Sitting and May All Manifest in Your Highest Good.

I plan on doing more readings this month and will post when I am open for questions