Phantasmagoric Theater - Two of wands


I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize this, but by making the Wands into The Fire Wand Circus, Graham has added a group dynamic that is quite unique and full of energy. The loners of the RWS are suddenly engaged with other people, not just by implication, but right here and now. Besides drawing this card, I also drew the Nine of Cups- another group card that seems a whole lot friendlier than that smug RWS guy (he always makes we wonder if I've grown too attached to material things).
Here we have The Tinsel Bulb, a two person act. The clown is just about to go forward with his part, but he doesn't have the wide open horizon before him, he is practicing and rehearsing with his partner (who is laying a reassuring hand on his shoulder), to be ready to brave the spotlight and crowds with his confidence soaring. He also serves to reassure his blindfolded partner, who in his hand gesture may be looking to recieve support as well as give it. They are working on two of the elements crucial to launching a successful enterprise; confidence and timing.

Graham's booklet says: "Inside a circus tent we observe a famous two person act, The Tinsel Bulb, during a rehersal. They are working together exchanging new creative ideas of pioneering accuracy. The Tinsel Bulb clown is about to jump the fast moving blades of the scissors held by his partner while blindfolded. Together they are creating a complete work.
Divinitory Meaning: The Two of Wands represents an exchange of good ideas, putting ideas into motion, synergy.
Reverse Meaning: Not listening to advice, unable to make a decision."


When ever i see this card the word "brainstorm" pop's up in my head.
I can picture these to fellow's to sit side by side in a corner of the circus tent making plans for their next act with the pleasure of a hot cup of coco or coffee.

I like your observation about the togetherness of the fire wand circus. Like all the creative energetic people live together in a trailer park next to the big circus tent. I like that thought


Girl Archer

I was doing the knock knock spread for a friend using the phantasmagoric theater deck. The imagery is so confusing I have no idea how to interpret it. Graham Cameron does call the suit of wands as the wands fire circus. So this two of wands shows a guy and girl inside the circus tent. Would that mean the location would be a circus or picnic or party given how the couple stands closely? What do I make of the giant scissors the guy is holding in his hand?


Hi Girl Archer,

Here's the card you're talking about:


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