Post reading about a reading!


Helloo everyone, I'm new here! I've been practicing tarot for the past 5 years or so but still consider myself at quite a beginners level.

Basically, I'm in a bit of a confused pickle. I went to a psychic reading last week and was actually quite impressed with the information she knew, she even asked if there's some kind of problem with my fridge (I don't have one). Strange. She brought up a name of someone who I'm very drawn to, and asked who he is. I explained that it's someone I'm highly attracted to, very strange synchronicities bringing us to the same places, etc. And she said that there is a lot of confusion about what is going on with us, etc (true), because we have known each other in past lives (where the strong familiarity and wanting comes from), but she doesn't think he is right for me. And she thinks I might be meeting someone else. She also gave some information about how my career may take a bit longer to get to where I want then I had planned. I left feeling slightly worse than I did before entering the door. But I guess it is better than being told exactly what I want to hear.

By analysing other stuff, I've been trying to figure if she was just a really good cold reader, or genuine. I feel like I may be wanting to believe that she's fake for the sake of my own feelings however, but still something does not resonate.

I thought I would do a post reading reading. The general reading I did about the situation was this:

- What spirit wants me to know: 2 wands reversed
- Why the universe brought me to that reading: 9 cups reversed
- A card that symbolises the reading: World reversed

What I should do next about...
- Love: 2 cups
- Career: Temperance
- The future: King pentacles.

I've interpreted it as this:

Spirit wants me to know that I've been loosing my sense of direction recently. I needed that reading because either 1. I'm dissatisfied with how things are materialising or 2. She uses greed/materialism as her career (if she's fake). I got the world reversed because I feel like now there is a lack of closure from the reading, world feels a bit upside down etc.

This is where I get confused, does the 2 of cups mean make an action oriented around that, and completely ignore the reading? I know that temperance probably means to be patient, and the king on pentacles is most likely a good future card where I finally have what I want.

In a way it has almost made me more confused!

Would love to hear peoples thoughts, and sorry about the longness of the most.

Thanks x