Renaissance Tarot (Jones / Lyle) - 8/Coins


the open book offers a unique and fresh perspective on the 8/pentacles which is usually depicted as a man sitting at a workbench hammering out disks.
I generally associate this with Hephaestus/Forge of The Gods .......although in one sense, I think that still applies here as well.

the open book with ribbon marker in place indicates a pause (not an ending) and shows us where to pick up from where we last left off, much like the various projects we pursue and the goals we set for ourselves during the course of our lives. we are composing the story of our lives. we are beginning a new passage or maybe even a whole new chapter.

Der Ring des Nibelungen and the Tolkien fantasies are centered around objects that were forged. they served as catalysts that shaped destiny. they were objects of Fate.
we can view the book in this card in two ways, a book of pre-destiny or self-determination.......maybe a bit of both? (this is like the thread about fate and free will)

Wagners Ring cycle is a story of pre-destiny, the (inevitable) fall of the Gods.
Tolkien shows us that while the Gods may fall (or leave us for greener pastures and to our own devices), mankind triumphs through self-determination.


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This card took a little bit of time for me to 'get', it's never turned up in a reading so I have no experience with it.

The book to me looks like a ledger and with the coins scattered across it, it makes me think of wages.

Eights relate to Justice and I think that the notion of getting wages really fits with that.
This card says to me: If you want to see a result you have to put the effort in, you have to pay attention to the details, you have to be committed and take responsibility.
You reap what you sow.
I like the way the coins are equal on either side of the ribbon - once again saying that what you get out of something will be equal to the energy you've put into it..

I really like this card (this deck is full of them - I don't think I've found a card that doesn't work yet).


Sulis said:
The book to me looks like a ledger and with the coins scattered across it, it makes me think of wages.

Eights relate to Justice and I think that the notion of getting wages really fits with that.

I like the way the coins are equal on either side of the ribbon - once again saying that what you get out of something will be equal to the energy you've put into it..

I really like this card (this deck is full of them - I don't think I've found a card that doesn't work yet).

I love that:

"what you get out of something will be equal to the energy you've put into it."

have you noticed that there's a HUGE emphasis on symmetry in this deck?

this is a wonderful card. it's a natural pairing to the 8/cups.
the higher powers that guided your feet onto the transformational path of the 8/cups also provide the creative inspiration that we see in the 8/pentacles.

it is indeed labor, but it can either be mundane; labor for it's own sake without inspiration or incentive........or it can be a true labor of love, the creation of something very positive and benefical......something of foresight and vision that drives your determination.


Yes, highly symmetrical. I've been seeing that, too.

The bookmark is so carefully and precisely folded that it's unlikely the reader intends to move on. They like this page just as it is.


I really like this card, it is one of my favourites in this deck. It emphasised for me the aspect of learning and study associated with this card. It's like this is where growth with come from now, it's all in the pages of the book.

The "open book" made me think of limitless possibilities. Like the book contains your essence, your abilities and it gave me the feeling of where do you want to go today? What would you like to explore or learn?

Like Papageno, the place being marked in the book made me think of picking something up where you left off, perhaps a dormant talent that you rediscover and are able to recommence now.

I also thought about learning from what has been before, the past and using it to create a better future.


I saw the ribbon as dividing what is still being worked on, from what has been achieved. Since they are coins, perhaps it is saving towards an important purchase--half way there!